By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time: 1:20 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. During an interview, Curacao member of Parliament for the opposition: Mr. Quincy Girigorie (PAR political party) expressed his shock on the way, how Curacao Prime Minister: Mr. Gilmar Pisas (MFK political party) has handle the negotiations for the Kingdom Consensus Law and then, after agreeing, sent a letter to Netherlands State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitization: Mrs. Alexandra van Huffelen, trying to bring other bottlenecks afterwards.
During the interview, among other things, Girigorie expressed: “I must say that the PAR party fraction is shocked, shocked by the lack of integrity from Mr. Pisas! I say this clearly, the lack of seriousness and the level of lack of trust from this cabinet! I can not understand, how him, as the Prime Minister of a country, you negotiate a law, agreed to the law, sent your Finance Minister to sign on it, then afterwards say it is under pressure, then accept it, and now you sent this law to Parliament? Parliament has two (2) months running behind you, so that you can come to Parliament and, you deny yourself to come! To then sit behind our back, listen to our arguments, listened to the experts, do not show face, to then, use our arguments to hide behind them, to then go and ask to evaluate a decision that you already took! This lack of trustworthiness is putting the country in danger! And the lack of seriousness to deal with such serious topic like COHO, I believe once more, this will cost the country, because, once more Mr. Pisas showed that he is not serious, he does not have a backbone and again he hides behind Parliament, hide his face on the, bad way on how they negotiated this law!”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 10% - Fidelity: 90% ]
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