By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time: 5:00 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. March, 21st 2022. According to Curacao member of Parliament for the opposition: Mr. Michelangelo "Lo" Martines (political party KEM), the Prime Minister: Mr. Gilmar "Pic" Pissas (political party MFK) is not handling the agreement of COHO with the Netherlands properly. According to reports, this happened after Prime Minister Pisas made a declaration which lead to questions.
During an interview, among other things, Martines declared the following: “I believe that this is a complete shame! There are people supporting him, I understood that his political party is supporting him. Supporting what this minister did. The thing that this minister came forward with, showed how weak he is! So, we categorized that as such! Because, it is impossible that a minister come to talk about, pressure, pressure, pressure! You are the prime minister of a country, you need to stop talking about people putting pressure on you or the Netherlands is putting pressure on you, whoever is putting pressure. You are in the position, where you can take all the decisions, which should be in the welfare of Curacao's people. I think the time has reach, where he needs to stop using the word he is using, grab his pants and tight it up like a gentleman (a man) and govern the country, which is what the people voted for! This is what he needs to do.”
Martines continued: “To go back into the part where the minister speaks, I will maybe use a word that falls heavy, which is; getting the lies out! I just heard that he said that, he will be negotiating now the 12.6% that they (the government) have been taking away from the salaries of a lot of Curacao people and for a while I had the information, that the last Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting (in Dutch: Rijksministerraad), which took place in The Hague (a city on the North Sea coast of the western Netherlands), where they agreed with COHO (the Dutch Kingdom Act for the Caribbean Agency for Reform and Development) (in Dutch: Rijkswet Caribisch Orgaan voor Hervorming en Ontwikkeling). There, at the table, there was a chance, there was an opening, Mrs. van Huffelen (Netherlands State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen of Kingdom Relations) gave an opening about the 12.6% for the countries to speak about it. Mr. Pissas, with all due respect, his word was; we will agree with all that is there. Mr. Pissas went and agreed, for them to kill the people of Curacao with that 12.6%. The countries who stood up strong against that 12.6%, were Sint Maarten and Aruba! Those are countries who did show that they do no shake and they do not back down and they came to look after the wellbeing of their country! Here again, you see that Curacao, once more, do not believe in union, because Curacao could have united with them. Right now, I understood that they (Sint Maarten and Aruba) will be back to the table (negotiating) with Mrs. van Huffelen, to handle this part of the 12.6% and every percentage that come off of it, believe me, it is a victory! And unfortunately Curacao did not take advantage of that. So, I want to know, what is the negotiation that Mr. Pissas is talking about? That is number one (1), that I want to know. Because, in our humble way of looking at things, we know that the period for negotiations past already, which means, that right now, the entire law is in Parliament waiting for a decision.”
He further stated: “I believe him more, I believe that the Prime Minister knows that he made a mistake. That he ran a political campaign where he ask the people to vote for him, saying that he does know, he does have plan B, that he has another form. He sat for four (4) long years in the opposition (in parliament), where he beat everything and broke them, with the past government of that time which was in power. He beat everything and broke them, he beat COHO and broke it. And still he got power, where the people voted in mostly for the Minister (Pissas) and now he came, and betrayed the people of Curacao! For me, it is voter fraud (in Dutch: Kiezersbedrog)! I believe that little by little the people of Curacao's eyes are being opened!”
Among other things, Martina also stated: “Now, I do know where MFK stands among the people of Curacao. There is a lot of critics, they lost all sympathy, and I believe that this minister need to do a revision! The time has reached where he needs to do a revision. About minister, I am sorry that I need to say that, Mr. Pik Pissas is a 0.0 in ministry (in Dutch: Ministerschap). One place where Mr. Pissas could for sure mean something for the Country of Curacao, I would thinks is in Parliament and that he demonstrated, where he himself said a lot of times, he did not drank his medicine (medications) and all of those things! I think that is where he needs to be, in Parliament, where he can gave directions to a government and put people that are capable that does know how to do the job to go for the defense of the people of Curacao!”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 20% - Fidelity: 80% ]
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