By: JJosepha News
Willemstad, Curacao. The country of Curacao is projected to possibly hit a 56% Debt-to-GDP ratio percentage by 2019; despite optimistic efforts to curb the financial hemorrhaging & government spending. From 2015, under Eugene Rhuggenaath as Minister of Economic Affairs to present 2018 with Rhuggenaath now as Prime Minister of Curacao, the Public Debt-to-GDP Ratio percentage has significantly and continuously increase.
Less than 24 months ago, Rhuggenaath; “was hailed by the Dutch media as the Kennedy of Curacao. The one who would save Curacao from chaos”. However; since then; the country of Curacao has seen:
1. The highest unemployment rate statistics at 18%,
2. The murder count continues to increase.
3. Presently Curacao’s murder rate estimated at approximately 23.48 per 100,000.
4. The highest Debt-to-GDP Ratio percentage in the country’s history.
At the end of September 2017 the Central Bank registered a ratio of 49.8%.
5. The highest levels of kidney disease/renal failure/ESRD; among the curacao population.
6. Homelessness remained unaddressed drug rehabilitation service seems stagnant and
7. A national GDP retrogressively contracting. Furthermore Curacao’s national GDP will continue to spiral downward at an alarming pace, because those who are commandeering the helm and either:
7a.) They don’t know what they are doing, or;
7b.) They have ulterior motives (and therefore someone is benefiting from an under the table in the secret hidden room deal and like the slavery era, we all as a nation of people are about to get sold-out for a bottle of milk and a large fries, and bim! Bam! Boom! We return back to slavery as a nation of people” or;
7c.) The problem is just too great and overwhelming for them; that is the PM and his cabinet, their political party and the “Triad Coalition” to be able to handle.
7c-1) But until then, my best advice is that we stabilize situations by creating effective laws and bylaws and then attack the problem and exercise the causative agents; the economic cancer that is producing the national economic and financial hemorrhaging.
7a.) They don’t know what they are doing, or;
7b.) They have ulterior motives (and therefore someone is benefiting from an under the table in the secret hidden room deal and like the slavery era, we all as a nation of people are about to get sold-out for a bottle of milk and a large fries, and bim! Bam! Boom! We return back to slavery as a nation of people” or;
7c.) The problem is just too great and overwhelming for them; that is the PM and his cabinet, their political party and the “Triad Coalition” to be able to handle.
7c-1) But until then, my best advice is that we stabilize situations by creating effective laws and bylaws and then attack the problem and exercise the causative agents; the economic cancer that is producing the national economic and financial hemorrhaging.
8. A proven track record of Trade Balance; that is virtually unadaptable to small changes in global economics nor regional stress, as a result a persistent worsening Trade Deficit.
9. Questionable managerial/governmental decision on budget spending to assist education and health over or in favor to corporate curacao.
One thing that has been observed; is that the consumer laws and the electronic industry on curacao which seemed is predominantly controlled by the corporate population of original east
Indian descendants are becoming more and more resilient to Curasalenos and foreign consumer purchasers with “defective” electronic products, hence making more money by apparently recirculating returned products, this is according to a few interviewed consumer purchasers of electronic products in areas of Otrobanda, Saliña and Punda.
Juni from Band Ariba; said from his personal experience as a business administration student and what other curasalenos have commented was; “ever since Rhuggenaath became prime minister, the East Indian descendant population that dominates the house renting and electronic sales of phones, you can’t tell “them” nothing because one store in particular always crying that he is not responsible for the products breaking, it is not his fault, and if you go to the OM office or Police station, they don’t do anything against the “Rhuggenaath people”. The Indian community sell product and they say it adds to the economy, but at what price to the Curacao people; who were born here. But look at the medical schools on the island, 75% of them are owned by the Indian community, yet how many curacao students attend them? Zero! None! Nada! Geen!”.
Juni further stated; “It’s all pure marketing and brainwashing that Curacao is in prosperity, but it is dependent of who you are that you would feel that Curacao is in prosperity”.
Another resident; who identified as being retired commented; “Very little assistance is offered to help Curasalenos venture into small business or entrepreneurship that would and could help the economy and reduce the debt and deficit. But look down the street, and you see the clothing stores and electronic stores are owned, managed or operated by the East Indian community, the bars by the Portuguese community, the quick food service industry by the Chinese community and the East Indian and dutch community dominate the housing market”.
Everyone is dominating the higher standards in the Curacao markets, where are the Curacao
brothers and sisters or the Caribbean community?
History tells the story that John Fitzgerald Kennedy aka JFK; was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in 1967, so was the comparison made by the Dutch Media; a reminder to Eugene Rhuggenaath, that if he did not play by their rules or if he opened his mouth and started to expose situations like Helmin Wiels intended, the same thing could happen to him what happened to JFK and Helmin Wiels?
JFK believed in prudent excessive budget spending to stimulate economic growth; however that was practiced in the absence of corruption. JFK believed in tax cuts, yet the Curasaleno population have virtually been registered for a tax hike to cover the almost 621 Million Guilders; in the cost of a New Hospital, excluding the cost of a hospital laboratory and the hospital operating expenses.
However; the tax reality of the New Hospital, is assuming that:
1. With a growing population, and;
2. Keeping the unemployment rate to half its present value,
3. Over 80 years coverage; the average worker would pay a minimum NAf. 8.00 per month in taxes to cover the initial cost of the hospital at 621 Million Guilders.
The question that many ask are: Could this; new hospital have been constructed at a lower cost and equal quality, and with less of a burden to the Curacao tax paying population, and public debt and an approximate 20% contribution to the ratio?
A pooling survey revealed that many responded, with a 2 polyclinics alternatives, one in the east and another in the mid-western region of the island.
Many of the random public polling demonstrated that, the 2 polyclinic alternatives would be cheaper and more responsive to the community healthcare attention and service industry, and raised a question as to whom is the government really building the Hospital for, or why are they really building the Hospital?
For every guilder earned, half or more than half of that is expected to be earmarked for debt repayment, and then what happens to the elderly and SVB? For this reason, if the facts support, then the dutch media indicated; should receive “20 pinocchios” on a scale of 1 to 10 pinocchios.
A taxista in Otrobanda stated; “only the rich in curacao is getting richer and no one is there to supervise, over-watch or manage them in power, them in the government and them in parliament”.
As of today, Rhuggenaath has heavily supported “Gay Pride” and homosexuals exerting human rights for one is human rights for all; gays included.
The LGBTQ community in Curacao is virtually “backlash-less” to unfair treatments and discrimination, however repeated complaints of Tenants Rights violation by dutch-curasalenos home owners/lessors, is rampantly high and observantly abusive with evidence of over-ran corruption widespread, yet Rhuggenaath and the PAR-MAN majority controlled fraction has done apparently nothing when these home-owners/lessors were affiliated with or members of, or supporters of their political party.
In addition; a survey conducted has shown that a similar but more violent incident were reported to have happened with a tenant(s) and Indian lessor(s), but nothing has come of it, because a majority claimed of pro-lessor support by the police department and apparently the judicial branch.
Gerrit Schotte in an October 10th 2017 event made a comment in a curacao English newspaper saying that independence is no longer possible! However, was this because of the legal and judicial pressure, or was it because he wanted to be the one to bring true independence to the country, or make sure no one else does it?
If the Parliamentarians of SVC-8 session had not walked out of parliament but instead stayed and implemented some basic parliamentarian trigonometric rules of order and political calculus, to fight for the protection and good will of people, that voted them there; to represent their votes, then, those very seem politicians would have found some way to oppose the budget! Instead; Marilyn Moses returned to the budget session, but with no plan; except to stress what she thought about the budgetary debate, and according to her, the treatment of the budget was illegal and that she regarded the budget as untreated. However; a motion to accept the budget was called, seconded and like that, Rhuggenaath single highhandedly; manhandled and forced a budget thru the 8th session of the Staten Van Korsou without an opposing vote!
Therefore; the 56% Debt-to-GDP ratio is all the ownership of Eugene Rhuggenaath and MAN-PAR-PIN majority fraction in parliament, no one else or no other party shares in the responsibility except the majority fraction in SVC. Some people thought it was ingenious how Rhuggenaath and the MAN-PAR-PIN Fraction in parliament seemingly outsmarted the minority fraction of, former PM; Gerrit Schotte and the political party; MFK along with his colleague Amparo Dos Santos and KdNT, and PS-MP, however this brute force attempt to manhandle the order of business was interpreted as nothing short of an Adolf Hitler or a Joseph Stalin or “gestapo parliamentarian technique”.
In order to avoid a repeat of “The 2017 Rhuggenaath’s Budget Approval Gestapo's Strategy (R-BAGS)”, therefore for that reason it should be that; every Curacao Prime Minister should absolutely and completely be responsible for the national financial budget and that the budget must be approved by a simple 2/3rd majority vote on the first move.
● Failure of the motion to be approved by parliament, should automatically allow for a motion to be seconded no sooner than 14 days after the first failed motion on budget approval.
● This allows for corrections to be made and the revised budget presented to the SVC for approval a second time.
● A motion to approved the revised budget presented to SVC then would need a simple majority vote.
In this manner the democracy of SVC and the good welfare and financial security of the country and its economy is maintained and. this forces the political comradeship for members on the opposite to work together for a timely budgetary spending approval.
Furthermore; it gives both sides to practice good governance, thru transparency, participation and rule of law; and for parliamentarians and the news media to inform the public at large on the topics, the issues, the calculations and the data about the financial disposition and potential of the country. This creates informed and educated voters, and it admonishes gestapo parliamentary tactics like the 2017 budget walk-out.
The moral of this story is: “when voters fail to do their job, parliamentarians will fail to do theirs; in putting voters first!”.
In April of 2017; The US Department of State assessed Curacao as being a medium-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official US Government interests.
In May of 2017; PM Rhuggenaath said; “One of the first measures is a financial assessment. As we have noted in the media, Curacao's financial situation is worrisome. We have to see what the reality is.” Gilmar Pisas, Rhuggenaath predecessor claimed; that Curacao's financial situation was “really bad and almost bankrupt”.
One thing is for sure, Curacao is not free of debt and not showing good governance economics, by having persistent exaggerating high entropic index.
This trend unbeknownst to the curacao population maybe an apparent slide-way to declaring national bankruptcy, with a great drop in credit rating and visa-vi a plummet in The sinking bonds, Junk Bonds and all other Curacao Public and possibly Private Bonds principally on The Dutch Caribbean Stock Exchange Market; DCSX. Mortgage rates would skyrocket and more people would probably default, landowners of undeveloped land would have to pay more in taxes on those real estates and would either sell at a lost or default on collection, this benefits maybe the dutch or European, or foreign investment market to slowly take over Curacao.
This would synchronize with inflation followed with “mega-inflation” standards pre- or post- cutting the country’s own Curacao Dollar, recall the present situation with printing the Netherlands Antillean Guilder, and the fact that NAf. refers to the Netherlands Antilles; which was defunct since 8 years ago. It seems more evident that Curacao needs a visionary example of national leadership as was suggested in the 2017
This would synchronize with inflation followed with “mega-inflation” standards pre- or post- cutting the country’s own Curacao Dollar, recall the present situation with printing the Netherlands Antillean Guilder, and the fact that NAf. refers to the Netherlands Antilles; which was defunct since 8 years ago. It seems more evident that Curacao needs a visionary example of national leadership as was suggested in the 2017
LKKK’s; (Liberalismo Klasiko Komunidat di Korsou political party) manifesto on National Reform with a move towards a dual symbiotic currency with an establish national crypto-currency program system for local nationals.
However; the consequence of a perceived Rhuggenaath’s cabinet economic gamble risk is:
● If Curacao can withstand a valueless currency for 5 or possibly 10 or 15 years?
● If The CFT management responsible for supervising, would allow such an economic & financial slavery, and
● Consequently would Netherlands recall control of affairs of the autonomous country of Curacao, like what they have demonstrated to do with Statia.
Poet; Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller; wrote:
“When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out”.
“Do not get mad with the messenger, get mad against corruption!”
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