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Monday, April 15, 2019



Dear Ask Nina;
I always wanted to become a Medical Doctor since I can recall.

I will be the 1st Generation in my family to become a MD. However, I wanted to move to Curacao and attend a Curacao medical school, because it was shorter in time period.

Before I enrolled, I asked them if they were accredited?

I wanted to be informed because, after studying I want to return home and practice Medicine.

I enrolled based on what they told me and about their accreditation status, now I feel, like I was cheated and they were not forth coming with me.

I came across one of the schools former students on social media and the former student informed me that the school is not accredited at all and when I finish studying, I would not be able to practice Medicine back home, the administration I have overheard labelled as a trouble maker who was doing terrible and could not make it in their medical school.

I asked the school for clarification, but they kept turning me around and they do not want to answer, nor give me my money back; that I had paid in advance; so I can probably enroll in another Medical School that is recognize both In the States and by

Now, my grades are starting to drop, and not because I do not know the material, because; I did the course before in medical school and pass with 3.0 GPA.
I feel the school staff are intentionally grading me differently as well as the professors are becoming very uncooperative, intolerant and indifferent; when I ask a question especially in private.

I have notice that I am being recorded in class when I ask a question even when I am being graded. I assume they are trying to gather evidence.

I have recently lost, a smart phone, computer tablet, some of my personal documents I came with as well as money.
I know I have not misplaced anything, but someone is stealing from me and by coincidence this all seem to start happening after my questioning of the accreditation and asking other students about it if they know anything about the school and its accreditation.

All the other students are too afraid to stand up for me and or with me. As a matter of fact; they have isolated and ostracized me form there regular grouping, which makes it even worst.
I notice how buddy-buddy the administration was getting with my "supposed friends".

One student told me that I have to be nicer to the administration and buy them gifts like the other students do who are doing well with grades. The local administration are natives from Curacao and I have found them to recently start becoming very abusive and confrontational with me.

I have heard the talks about dangerous things happening to students who would cause problems for the school and so if something does happen to me, it probably was not accidental.

Please Ask Nina, I need your advice on: What could I do? What should I do and what can I do?I would appreciate your quick reply.

Yours obediently;
Dr. Un-Accredited.

Dear Dr. Un-Accredited;
I empathize and sympathize with your situation and I am sure the entire Ask Nina Community do as well!
You have our support! We will try and understand what happened and get back to you, since there is always 2 sides of any story.
Please, if you have any proof of any thing what you have written, please submitted a copy of those to Ask Nina as well, or upload the photos, videos and images to youtube, and Audio to soundcloud and share those link or links with Ask Nina.

I feel very appreciative and glad that you took the time and had the courage to write to me; at Ask Nina; with your letter seeking advice.

About Ask Nina

"Ask Nina" is an advice column founded, created and operated by Josefina Josepha under the pen name of "Nina". The advice column is managed by JJosepha News. The advice column’s mission is to impart compassionate, sound advice and incorporating expert advice sought from authorities, while delivering a layman’s approach with the straightforward style of a good friend. Have a question, need an answer, Ask Nina!

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