By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time: 1:20 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. 11 members of the First Chamber and Second Chamber of the Parliament of the Netherlands arrived in St. Maarten on Sunday May 1, 2022 to participate in the Kingdom Interparliamentary Consultation for the IPKO (Dutch: Interparlementair Koninkrijksoverleg). The delegation will visit the island of Saba today, Monday May 2, and will visit the island of St. Eustatius tomorrow on May 3. Members of the First and Second Chambers of the Parliament of the Netherlands will participate in the IPKO in St. Maarten from Wednesday May 4 to Friday May 6, 2022.
This year's IPKO in St. Maarten was originally planned for the month of January, but had to be pushed back to May 2022 due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the IPKO, delegations from the parliaments of Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten and the Netherlands will discuss issues of concern to the countries of the Dutch Kingdom (the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Aruba, Curacao, St Maarten and the Netherlands) . The IPKO is a consultation structure of the four parliaments of the Kingdom that takes place twice a year.
Countries will discuss in part:
- Kingdom of Consensus Act to establish the Caribbean Agency for Reform and Development COHO (Dutch: Rijkswet Caribisch Orgaan voor Hervorming en Ontwikkeling)
- Status of the implementation of the country packages (assistance from the Netherlands to the islands)
- Building on more sustainable relationships within the Kingdom
- Collaboration within the Kingdom and mutual assistance
- Human rights (to stop violations)
- Good governance (countries inefficiency)
- Dispute regulation for the Kingdom
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