By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time: 3:00 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. During an interview, Curacao Minister of Traffic, Transport and Urban Planning: Mr. Charles Cooper (MFK political party) responded to the fisherman who made a video and it went viral on social media, where the fisherman told the minister that the minister has to solve the situation, where the trucker and the companies dumped a substance (dirty water, septic tank substance) in the ocean next to the north side (Noordkant, closed property near Curacao Hato airport) of the island.
Minister Charles Cooper declared; “During the end of the week, I was informed about a video that was circulated, where many people sent it to me. I saw the video, where a truck went to dump garbage there (Noordkant). I have to say that I am sorry that these things are still happening in Curacao, because we have clear agreements (afspraaks) where truckers have to go to the location at Klein Hofje or Klein Kwartier. What it means in Seru Loraweg street.
The only thing is, when they get there, they don't, they just get there, download the content, and leave. Do not! A sample of the content should be taken, because the things at Klein Hofje are water purification (Waterzuivering), they work with bacteria. Those bacteria must not die! If you bring things like oil and that sort of thing, it will kill the bacteria, which means it will bring the whole water purification process (Waterzuivering) to a standstill here in Curacao. We don't want that.
Now, I don't know if that's what happened, or if it's just things that are doing things, without any shame. Where they take a risk and still go to the north side (Noordkant) and dump their content. That, I can't say.
That is why I am saying, and I also told Mr. (Bart), that it is not me as the Minister who should be the one who should sit there and control who comes once and who does. not. For that, you have officials (ambtenaren), like the police, you have those from the GMN (ministry of health), which is for the environment and pollution. That, they are the ones who have to deal with these types of cases, like this.”
Cooper continued; “Look, in the community, you have, that everyone must do their job. In this case, I am not talking about the Minister (Minister of Health and Justice), I am talking about the officials (ambtenaren). You have the police, who have to control with their patrol, and if they notice that one of the trucks like that is driving through the streets, actually (eigenlijk), if they (the police) don't have more urgent things to do. for a moment, they can drive behind the truck and see where the trucks are going and then penalize those trucks, because they are not allowed to dump things like that, they have to go to Klein Hofje or Klein Kwartier.
Those, they fall under me, the Klein Hofje and the Klein Kwartier, they fall under me. The purification of the water (waterzuivering) falls under my responsibility, which means that I need to put, let's say, the condition for them (the trucks) to come and unload in those places, but, if they divert and do other things in Curacao, that can't fall under me, right?”
When it was explained to Cooper that when truckers dump the dirty water in the tanks it is supposed to go to Klein Hofje, but the substance from the dirty water tank goes into the ocean, Cooper expressed; “Well, you have to see that, to see what the reason is. I can't say, as you know, everyone tells stories in the way that suits them, so I can't corroborate what you're telling me the fisherman says.”
Regarding Cooper telling Bart to give him money to put someone on the door to supervise, Cooper explained; “That was, because the Mister says 'you have to put someone to stand at the door, with leverage (hefboom)', I think it was like that a while ago, the leverage (hefboom) thing was there. Yes, those times, Curaçao had plenty, Curaçao had money, right now, Curaçao has no money. Which means, now, I need to put someone to stand in the door, the government is going to put someone in the door to stop those people from doing those things... and who is going to pay those people? When someone, whatever the citizen, comes up with a solution, he has to come up with a solution of how he thinks he should pay and who is going to pay.”
Cooper continued; “Who will pay minimum wage? Who will spend money to pay minimum wage? That's what Mr. Bart has to tell me, right?”
When Cooper was told that in Noordkant there is rubbish, dirty water, oil waste, small medicine bottles and injections on the floor, Cooper said; “I also take note of this kind of thing around Curacao, not only there. I am sad, because everyone who litters a place in Punda, today is a dump on our south coast. Everyone who has dirt around the DW, the Navy base and all that, goes into our ocean (haf). I am very sad about that. We have projects that we will present in the European Union and I have it here on the table, I can show you how much money, I think it is around 70 million, that we need to solve the problem completely in Curaçao. Which means, improve Klein Hofje, Klein Kwartier, Punda so that they don't discharge more in the southern area, and the DW part and the marine base and all that. So, we're in that process, it's going to take us a couple of years to get those projects off the ground.”
Expressing to Cooper that truckers and companies are responsible for dumping the substance, Cooper said; “Exactly, I think that is the cardinal question or the introduction, from what you say, that is the responsibility of the driver, let's say, irresponsible with our environment, there you have to hit him in the pocket. So that they (the drivers) can understand that, you can't do that with the ecology of the countries. I am not against what the fishermen indicate, do not misunderstand me. But, I tell you the reality of Curaçao, I must say the reality. When we talk about solutions, one of the solutions is that we have to change the part of bringing control and sanctions for the trucks that go and do those things. Because it can't go on like this. You are damaging the ecology of this country and you (trucks) get your money and go and sit at home and just don't care about the ecology of the country. It can't be like that.”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 10% - Fidelity: 90% ]
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