By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time: 3:00 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. During an interview, Curacao Police Chief; Mr. Raymond Ellis made several statements, where he expressed his concerns and needs. According to him, the police stations will have some changes where a new leadership path will begin. The police department has been receiving a lot of negative reactions from the community, because the department has been through many scandals where some officers were found to be corrupt and involved in abuse of power, and some were alleged to be involved in trafficking of drugs.
Regarding the use of social media, the police image and involvement, Mr Raymond Ellis expressed; “Right now there is social media, where there is a lot of attention to our police force. Everyone on social media has something to say about our police force. Normally in the past, I would have said, there were newspapers that were ready with special pages for the police, you also have the radio stations that have news about the police. So, there is a lot of attention on the police force.”
The criminal world, is also trying to further infiltrate the police force, Ellis expressed: “At this time, the police force must be able to anticipate this type of situation. Not just social media, but I can call other things, like criminal trying to get even closer to our police right now, so they can achieve their goals in their criminal world.”
Regarding the lack of recourses, Ellis declared: “These are things that the police force faces more compared to before. One of the things that interests me a lot, mainly, is the subject of the materials that we must have and the personnel that we must also have in the police force!
Currently, compared to the past, it is much less and the leadership at this time must be able to work within the circumstances that I have just mentioned. We have an annual plan, where we put our goals for this year, in those annual plans, leadership, integrity and we make sure that there are personal things that have a high priority for us in the year 2022. With good leadership we believe that we can achieve these things .”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 10% - Fidelity: 90% ]
Ellis acknowledged that the negative scenes on social media cannot be stopped, according to Ellis: “Therefore, I explain to you, prevention is perhaps difficult, prevention is perhaps something that you could not achieve. We must be able to function in these circumstances. Many times, these things have to do with our image, also with the effectiveness of our police force.
It's a person who says something online and then we assume it, and then we say, 'oh, that's how things happened, it's true', maybe even when it's not the case. All this, we must address it within the leadership part. Maybe we (the police) should be even more on social media, where we can also talk to people.
Everything we do now is for this change and as I said, there is only one police organization, that is one police force, there are not two. You can't say, 'I'm tired of this one, let me go to the next one.' Our focus right now is that we see how we are going to change the direction of the police force. We believe that from the leadership part we can begin to make changes.”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 10% - Fidelity: 90% ]
Police Material aren't much, according to Raymond Ellis: “All these things are within the plans, we have already spoken with the government, we have expressed our concerns regarding the situation we are in.
Regarding the personnel, many workers left with the benefit of follow-up (VVU) and we are talking with the government to see how we can start with the Aspirant classes, but we also want to look at other disciplines with digital knowledge or financial knowledge. Which means that people who are financially literate can get in, in a way as we say, a lateral influx (zij instroom), that they can get into the police department, and we can turn them into policemen, so that we can take (investigate) on certain crimes, like people having something to do with fraud, that kind of thing.
So people who deal with loans and digital things as experts, they can come in the police department and make the job easier because they don't need to become a cop first and then have us teach them these things. Once they come in, that knowledge is there and then we turn them into police officers.
These are the ways we think so we can close the gap. We must close the gap as soon as possible, because the more the years go by..., it takes us 3 years as an example to give the police the Education. If they come in 2022, it is until 2025 that I will have a new police officer in the police force. So these are the things we need to keep in mind.”
According to Raymond Ellis, the international community also has these types of problems in its police departments. He continued; “That's why I say this problem, let me put it like this, the leadership problem that we recognize here in Curacao, the College of Police Chiefs (College van korpschef), which is the College of Police Chiefs of Aruba, the islands of Sint Maarten and BES they also face these same problems as Curacao. The trajectory that we all mark is the trajectory that will be carried out in other countries!”
TRANSLATION: [Felicity: 10% - Fidelity: 90% ]
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