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Saturday, April 13, 2019



by JJosepha News

Ever so often; the people speak and we try to bring the unadulterated voice of the people, what they are saying and what they are thinking. Freedom of speech is a precious commodity and respect for one and all in the expression of there thoughts, some names maybe excluded or changed, but the general theme remains the same. Hoping that those who need to listen, listens and make a change for the betterment of the country and the people!

The Venezuelan Refugee Situation:

A group of young women, in the medical field, when asked about the Venezuelan refugee situation, commented, "Firstly; I think that Curacao is in the situation that they are in because of the Red Cross! It is no simpler than that! We had call to help and volunteer to the Red Cross; but the attitude of the people, in particular a woman, who didn't have the common decency to want to identify herself even after she demanded our names. She even hung-up the phone on me and when we called back to speak with her supervisor or the director of the Red Cross, she returned and hung-up the phone again and then calling us something in papiamentu that when translated means "stupid". Now that was the first time that I had ever spoken with her and she didn't know any of us either, but she was hurling insult at us like "we stole her man" and made her feel insecure about herself. We all decided that we want nothing more to ever, ever, ever have anything to do with the Red Cross never again. Now what made this even so much worst was after that we reached out to talk with the head organization of the Red Cross in Curacao, which the Red Cross in the USA informed us that it was The Red Cross Netherlands. I called and spoke with their heads in the office to explain what had just happened and how we were treated my their staff/person in the Red Cross Curacao Office. I think they knew who I was talking about, after all I communicated with them twice. That's when we realize that The Red Cross Netherlands knew of the woman and who we were talking about, but was more than likely covering up for her or maybe she is a white dutch born in Netherlands but living in Curacao, besides I believe that wasn't the first time she had behave like that or conducted herself like that to people over the phone or in person. So when we hear the Refugee immigrants saying they are being treated badly, we believe those Venezuelans, are getting mistreated and maltreated or abuse, it would not surprise us at all."

Another female in the group stood out and expressed; "It is a  crying shame that the Curacao Government allocates moneys to the Red Cross Curacao, along with other international organizations and individuals that donate to the Red Cross Curacao, because I think and I am only speculating, from how we all were treated, that it could indicate that whatever moneys that the Red Cross Curacao receives from international organizations, businesses or individual or from the Curacao government is probably money not well utilized, poor managed or maybe even used for personal concerns and not that of the Red Cross and they can get away with it because those above them will not punish their own kind, or maybe she was family, but for whatever reason she did what she did it indicated some serious acute and chronic pathologies in The Red Cross organization in Curacao, probably from top executive to middle management. I believe they need to remove everyone from top management to middle management in the Red Cross Curacao, that's the only way you will get people who are truly interested in humanitarian efforts and not "Human-Monetary rewards". down. and  goes gets probably goes to.

A local woman selling food, commented; "Look I may don't believe Urny, at the Prison, but I think he doing the best he can and with the staff they have, they have to give him a break. Come on, this Curacao and we already don't have enough money to feed our families and we must make more sacrifice for our own Curasaleno nation so people that are too too afraid to stand up and fight for their freedom and win their country back, can come over here  and further stifle our opportunities, jobs and spread sexual diseases, because the truth is most of them females "Venezuelanas" go into illegal prostitution or taking someone boyfriend and or husband and still another husband and then they get their money from these men they sleeping with and send it out of the country back to Venezuela, whiles our children going not even with bread and sugar for the morning. Those people in the government with all they degree, either don't know what they doing or doing it intentionally to cause us suffer. Next time I won't vote for no minister and they party I see on TV. I bet you if you ask the boy sitting on the bench over there, how to solve these Venezuelan problems he could tell you, well most of us who work here with the public can tell you. And we the people saying enough is enough, the government can't solve the problem after almost 2 years but watch how miracle they will claim everything solve before election time. "Rhugennany" fool us once he done fool us a second time, blessed be the father, him wont fool us again for the third time. We thinking he know what he doing and all he want to do is raise taxes higher, and the next one from finance want to put more taxes on more things to tax us more, and then I heard also, "Suzy all for me, baby", want put more taxes on us and claiming she thinking about our health, well I will believe hell freeze over first, before I believe that. "Suzy all for me baby", gave millions of dollars to InselAir and had a lot of people loose they job. And guess what she must of told them too, she care about them and them families.  You know what Curacao could have done with all that millions of dollars what they badly managed. What is Amparo saying, he can't even  control his own party men. Them going to cause "Ampregno" lose his patients and then they will find out, "Ampregno" means business and them wasting money flying on group at the expense of all of we. Them in parliament and government ministers and they secretaries, (who probably mostly Venezuelans), living it rich, whiles we people suffering from them lashing us and that's the truth and I finish. People will end up voting for Schotte all over again, just because he is part Venezuelan and cause them people in government gone and put him in jail and besides you know he going to get all the jail votes. I mean how bad they treating we people will cause this. The young people, some of them too young to remember these things!

"We listen you decide! Bringing a voice to the voiceless..."

Disclaimer: This is an unedited transcript of responses, answers and feedback from individuals. We translate what is said, except in some cases where the names are changed voluntarily by JJosepha News or involuntarily by the individuals; themselves. We practice the highest standards of Freedom of Speech allowable. Please, if you wish to have your opinions heard  contact us via our email, twitter, facebook live, skype or contact us page.

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