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Thursday, February 14, 2019


By: JJosepha News

Willemstad, Curacao. Venezuelan humanitarian emergency is rising possibilities for a US confrontation. At the same time it is rising national partnerships and collaborations.Venezuela is apparently struggling with enormous shortages of medicines, basic needs products and food.


It was reported that the US humanitarian aid cargo had weapons and electronics smuggling through the aids. It appears that Nicolas Maduro gave orders to stop the humanitarian aid coming from Colombian borders into Venezuelan in order to prevent illegal weapons trafficking.


After this event, and the request from opposition leader Juan Guaidó and the United States the Netherlands will provide “Guaidianpro-aid to Venezuela through the Island of Curacao. The strategy is for Curacao to become the "logistic hub" for US humanitarian aid.
Since Curacao is not an Independent nor Sovereign Country, the Foreign Policy/ Diplomatic Relations and Defense are under the complete control and power of the Kingdom of Netherlands. For that matter; The Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok explained, that food and medicines from the US will be sent to Curacao. "That is where those US supplies are prepared for the moment, until they can be admitted to Venezuela". Stef Blok appears to have doubt on Nicolas Maduro giving permission for the aid.
The Netherlands government seed to express that they are in favor of wanting an election to be held in Venezuela, as soon as possible, and also recognized Guaidó as Venezuela interim president.


JJosepha News researched and investigation, discovered that nationally elected not confirmed by Venezuelan Parliament but by the Supreme Court, President Nicolas Maduro denied that there is a Humanitarian Crisis in his country, however; internationally recognized Interim President, via Venezuelan Constitution and its Parliament, declared that Venezuela is facing Humanitarian Crisis. JJosepha News discovered that during a press conference at Miraflore's Presidential Palace in Caracas, Venezuela, on February 8th, 2019, President Nicolas Maduro said to reporters that: "Venezuela will not allow the show of humanitarian aid because we do not beg from anyone. Venezuela is not suffering the humanitarian crisis fabricated by Washington over the last four years to justify intervening in our country."

Like the holy scriptures stated in Matthew 6:24, no servant can have 2 masters, he will either love one and hate the other.  According to the scriptures; “No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon”. Mammon in the New Testament of the Bible is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. However in the traditional new age definition, mammon is whatever is “non-god”, or the opposite of god-like characteristics, a simple binary system, just like black is to white, hot is to cold, heaven is to hell, man is to woman, mother is to father, male is to female, love is to hate, top is to bottom, etc...  Venezuela has Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guaido, one is either true and the other false!
Therefore; Venezuela faces a constitutional dilemma and has dragged the whole world into it.
  1. If, Juan Guaido & the Venezuelan Parliament has evidence that and proof of election fraud then he must present those evidence to the Supreme Electoral Council of Venezuela, and then local courts and then to the supreme court of Venezuela, and then if he loses that case to the European Court of Human Rights, and because of the urgency it may be exempted from some of the lower requirements, however his appeal should be to the Universal understandings on Human Rights.
    However; the problem is that Guaido apparently can not present that to any of the national judicial branch because of the apparent Maduro control of the judges and the judicial court system.
    This may in fact be a Netherlands scenario, where it would be impossible for any Curasaleno to take the Dutch kingdom to court and expect a fair trial, since the judges and the judicial branch in Curacao is ruled, governed and control by Netherlands. So, maybe Guaido has a point. Hypocrisy is dangerous! Yet again to refer to the holy scriptures in Matthew 7:5 says; “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”
  2. The only question arises what should happen to the Venezuelan Army Commanders, because it seems that apparently, the Venezuelan Judicial branch is compromise to being blind to justice! In scenarios as this, you have to admire the marvel and construction of The United States Constitution and its checks and balances, 3 equal branches of government jointly held together by the will of the people. In Venezuela, The Parliament is in one direction with Guaido and The Executive branch is under the control of Nicolas Maduro, however the Judicial branch apparently largely appointed by Nicolas Maduro and Pro-Chavistas supporters apparently it seems that none of them have the fortitude to stand up for what is just, right, fair and constitutional over their mammon granted by their appointed. Therefore should they all be sentenced for treason? The Judicial branch apparent lack exercise their sworn oath maybe the chief cause why Venezuela is in the predicament they find themselves in. Now the only entity to maintain control and establish power in Venezuela is the military. Now this is a deadly path that Venezuela’s is following and it involves its neighbors! Since it is difficult for citizens to fight the its national military, this according to basic logic requires the assistance of the international community and neighbors to be its brother’s keeper. Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan Army appears to be playing a game reminiscent of October 25th 1983 in Grenada and at the helm was a Republican President; Ronald Wilson Reagan, a former Hollywood actor before being elected for public office. Is this President Donald John Trump Sr, “Grenada Moment”? If so Venezuela should revise history as well as Curacao should pay attention to historical events.


A former Curasaleno parliamentarian, historical warning to Venezuela, seemed if anything to actually condemn Curacao’s fate. One Political Insider from Punda commented; “No one listen to that former parliamentarian when he was in power and especially now that he is fighting hard for Curasaleno’s; English reading community’s attention, but he is always wrong! It seems that he should just shut up and don’t talk, he just seems to “supranaturally” curses almost whatever he is apart of, and I’m not superstitious”.
Another Political Insider in Punda, stated; “I doubt, Nicolas Maduro, pays any attention to what “that former defunct party leader and parliamentarian” has to say, think or feel. For the most part, most of the people don’t want to hear from him anymore, he is like an ugly girlfriend, you try to hide when you out in public, he saw that in the 2016 election, and to be truthful I think Maduro and his people may read JJosepha News before that other “online Curacao English news gather”, and that is seriously talking!”
Based on a pass comment by a former parliamentarian informing the English reading community of Curacao and warning the Venezuelan president, that the same thing may reoccur, if Maduro enforced a Venezuelan blockade on Curacao. What happened afterwards after his rhetoric, there was a long blockade by Venezuela against Curacao. The occurrence that the former parliamentarian commented on was not fully correct, but the circumstances and logic implied was probably based not on a sound understanding of historically events at that time when the former parliamentarian wrote what was written.  


The Truth in this situation with Venezuela seems to be the following:
  1. The 1909 situation was resolved  based entirely on the diplomatic collaborative workforce of The United States working an agreement with The United Kingdom and then The Kingdom of The Netherlands forced Venezuela to give in. Now, One hundred and 10; (110) years later the same diplomatic world force has aligned again versus Venezuela if the need arises. So far Netherlands has, situated Curacao in the hot seat, but there claim maybe that Venezuela would not dare attack Curacao because that would be translated as an act of war.
  2. The Venezuelan government broke relations with the Axis powers on December 31st, 1941, and  declared war on February 15th, 1945, about 74 years ago to date; when the threat of an attack against its oil had gone. Now 74 years later the threat against Venezuelan oil still exist, with pressure from the Saudi Arabians trying to keep the oil prices low which in the long term benefit their market control and a jump in prices. This may be a concerted effort by US foreign policy which encourages the recognition of Juan Guaido as president of Venezuela. However; indications are that Nicolas Maduro is not one of anniversary celebration on major historical global events and Curacao could be thankful for that, because; as food for thought, Maduro could have a russian fighter jet take off from Venezuela’s nearest military base to the coast and reach Curacao’s in minutes and deliver a deadline bomb attack to Curacao's principal city, Willemstad and Punda; where the Parliament; Staten van Curacao is located and then fly directly to The Curacao’s Airport and US FOL direction and deliver another destructive bombing hence rendering Curacao defenseless especially since the communication channels would have also been destroyed in the process. Luckily Nicolas Maduro is no Adolf Hitler in mentality and personality, but a desperate man wanting to seize and maintain control and power is capable of anything, just like a trap cat closed off in a corner will fight a lion to get out.
    This situation calls for the utmost diplomacy, and paving a way for Maduro to get out without the dangers of Hitler-ism or “Fidel Castro-ism”. Maybe Netherlands is painting a repeat of history for Maduro’s exit like that in 1908 with Castro leaving Gomez in charge of Venezuela and as soon as Castro was out Venezuela, Gomez forbid the re-entry of Castro back into Venezuela and took control over. Maybe Guaido may do the same, but in that case, Castro was sick and from all reports Nicolas Maduro is not sick nor is he sick enough that doctors in Venezuela can’t attend him there.


Furthermore; a portion of the almost 35,000 Venezuelans living in Curacao; legally, or illegally may be a sleeper cell activist group, implanted by the Venezuelan government to either encourage or take over the Curacao government by political force and or physical force when targeted to do so.
In the case of Physical force to take over, some think such a thing does not exist, however; those are the feats of Taliban terrorist to penetrate and when called upon to militarily activate they, do so with surgical precision.
In the case of Political force to take over, Curasalenos are well on the way to possibly becoming a minority in their own country. Let’s not forget, how many parliamentarians already have a descendant from Venezuela? The former prime minister and leader of MFK, now a prison inmate, Gerrit Schotte maternal mother is reportedly a Venezuelan born and the Charles Cooper, once leader and  member of the political party MAN, then he broke off from the party after losing leadership and formed his own political party PAS in the 2016 National General Election, and now a high executive member of MFK and member of Curacao’s parliament representing MFK, he has a wife who is Venezuelan born.
This list could go on and on demonstrating how deep politically Venezuela is to the Curacao’s Legislative Branch.
Russia, Mexico and China’s part in supporting Maduro is no doubt to their own benefit. But what may have US Intelligence wary is the fact that a nuclear bomb could be in Venezuela, and orchestrated by Russia’s power strategist, former KGB, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Therefore a military attack or bombing like what happened in Kuwait would not advisable and could be the Trumps, “Red October” stand-off.     


The Curacao Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath expressed that the island wants to help the Venezuelan people and showed concern and splinted his message and siding with Stef Blok unequivocally by  saying; "But we are aware that there can be consequences for Curacao."
A political commentator said that; “Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath refers to possible reprisals by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and his military force. The Curasaleno Prime Minister Rhuggenaath wants to avoid conflict and the possibility of a repeat in Venezuela’s  border closure to Curacao, which he probably predicts will impact the island negatively if it happened. The Prime Minister expect and trust that in any problem or confrontation with Nicolas Maduro there will be support from the island allies and The Netherlands, where possible”.

Josefina Josepha, a graduate of John Hopkins University, The Public Health Humanitarian Crisis course, shed some light,  Venezuela crisis sits in Government power which opened the door for corruption and created a chain of Disease, Unemployment and Poverty.
For Venezuela to exit the horror; they find themselves, they must exercise good governance and respect the rule of law, members elected must exercise honor and strength in office to represent the people and to hold true to the oath they sworn.
Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath indicated his worries to possible repercussions from Venezuelan President; Nicolas Maduro. Prime Minister Rhuggenaath; should be seriously concerned and worried for the position that Curacao is getting itself into, because there is no hard core facts that democracy was exercised, and the Curacao community did not vote for Curacao to be caught in the middle of a “Venezuelan Vendetta”, he should be concern because there is a group of people who don't live in Curacao but that have the power to put the community in danger if they are wrong. A decorated war general once said, it is always easier to start or fight a war when it is not in your own backyard”.

©2019 JJosepha News. All rights reserved.

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