By JJosepha
By JJosepha
Willemstad, Curacao. This will be almost two years and accounting, since the dramatic incident that occurred in Curacao's Parliamentarian; Staten van Curacao; occurred and still the laws and parliamentarian of SVC-6 remain frightened to propose into law, an instrument that one Curacao political insider from Punda; "GS"; stated; "It is a must and is rightly Needed, to ensure that those things do not happen again in Curacao's history".
A Caracas Bay area Political Insider interrupted; "That's what law makers in this country should be doing, instead you had the youngest and bravest 2017 Curacao's National Electoral Party Leader, I think, and listen; she was the youngest in Curacao's entire political history; at half (1/2) the age of the next youngest Political #1 Captain of any Political Party in the 2017 National Election.
- Suszi Romer was about 3 times older than the young female LKKK leader,
- Suszi Romer had over about 40 years in politics, been the prime minister of the Netherlands Antilles, had just served as a Minister with Humphrey's PNP, and
- Suszi Romer had almost a full candidate's list, but people don't realize that Josefina; (Leader of LKKK); had more vote per candidate per party than any political party, than all of the rest and imagine, she got the most vote per candidate per party, without Pacheko, DoRego and SEC, even giving her the 2017 National Curacao's Electoral Voter's List."
A Caracas Bay Area Political Insider continued; "We all knew that Suszi Romer and the rest of those political parties had their Voter's List, and working on it. That was the height of unfairness, injustice and I overheard, she made a complaint to the OPM office during the election, and then there was a new rule by the OPM that you had to make an appointment first to file complaint. I am not jumping to crossfires, but imagine she could have ended up just like the journalist, Jamal Khashoggi walking into the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Turkey. Think about it?"
An International Political Research Scientist; (IPRS), commented on the 2017 Curacao's Electoral Process and their Captains, said; "Curacao would have seen a dramatic change, progress, advancement and development especially since the young female leader; Josefina Josepha's accomplishment was incremental for other youngsters entering politics in Curacao".
IPRS stated that "Josefina, seemed as though she was like 10 times more experienced than some of the most senior political party leader #1 Captains and candidates, as I read; she was fresh out of college graduating and formed an National Leadership Exploratory Committee, after being elected Leader of her party; Liberalismo Klasiko Komunidat di Korsou; (LKKK). But the proof is in the pudding just read her manifesto; and understanding the political discrimination and intimidation she suffered, as well as she was being pressured and forced to sign an illegal contract which was against Dutch laws, its utterly surprising! The Maduro Situation is child's play compared to what happened to the young leader."
A Banda Abou local Political Insider stated, "Her manifesto, proves how ready she is for Curacao, but not sure that Curacao maybe ready for that. She is Zero Tolerance on Corruption, Good Management, but the truth is sometimes things can run real slow in Curacao because some wheels may need greasing, but it was the most comprehensive manifesto I have read, with a clear direction and way for Curacao to move out of the economic recession fast approaching".
In remembrance to the Black History Month and youths who have made a contribution to the betterment of the direction of the country, we look at 1 out of the 7 proposal bills written by the young leader, Josefina Josepha's.
Proposed by Josefina Josepha
Proposed by Josefina Josepha
This February 23rd 2017.
To create a greater sense of responsibility of the leaders of each and every party in the HonorableStaten van Curacao and its representative membership, this proposal is made of good intention and
faith in the purpose to foster a sense of respect and honor for each and every member of the Staten
van Curacao and the population to whom they represent.
I. ACTION There should be strict fines or stricter fines against any parliamentarian and the party to whichhe or she belongs, in addition plus; the leader of such party who threatens, intimidates, harass,
assaults and or violates another parliamentarian resulting in physical or psychological injury. The Notice of Activation must be provided by the offended individual and supported by a
complaint filed to the police within 72 hours and submitted to the President of Parliament. The Offense is the action committed. The Offender is the perpetrator of the offense. The “Offendee” is the one whom the offense is committed on, to or against.
II. PENALTIES Those Mandatory penalties and or fines depend on the severity, which includes:a) A Public Apology to the “Offendee”;
b) A Public Apology to the Party to which the “Offendee” belongs;
c) A Public Apology to the country and the Crown; and,
d).A Public Apology to the Offender’s party to which he, she or they belong.
III. FINES Those Penalties for which a Notice of Activation of this proposed Bill is motioned shall resultin:
A) The immediate revocation of membership to the Staten van Curacao,
B1-1) In the first occurrence of the offender's party, a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental
treasury in the sum total of 175,000 NAFl. in full within 2 months.
B1-2) In the first occurrence of the offender, a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental treasury
in the sum total of 125,000 NAFl in full within 2 months.
B1-3) In the first occurrence of the offender's party, any and all members on the registered list of
candidates submitted to the election commissioner for that election period shall pay a sum total in
financial fine to the Governmental treasury in the sum total of 25,000 NAFl in full within 2 months.
B2-1) In the second occurrence of the offender's party a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental Treasury in the sum total of 525,000 NAFl to be collected in full within 6 months.
B2-2) In the second occurrence of the offender, a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental
treasury in the sum total of 500,000 NAFl to be collected in full within 6 months.
B2-3) In the second occurrence of the offender's party, any and all members on the registered list of
candidates submitted to the election commissioner for that election period shall pay a sum total in
financial fine to the Governmental treasury in the sum total of 50,000 NAFl in full within 6 months.
B3-1) In the third occurrence of the offender's party, a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental Treasury in the sum total of 1,750,000 NAFl to be collected in full within 12 months.
B3-2) In the third occurrence of the offender, a financial fine shall be paid to the Governmental Treasury in the sum total of 1,500,000 NAFl to be collected in full within 12 months.
B3-3) In the third occurrence of the offender's party, any and all members on the registered list of
candidates submitted to the election commissioner for that election period shall pay a sum total in
financial fine to the Governmental treasury in the sum total of 100,000 NAFl in full within 12 months.
C1-1) Any member or members found in fracture to this proposed Bill motioned, whereby an effort or attempt to section has been unsatisfactory and the member or members has been revoked,shall be revoked dishonorably.
C1-2) Any member or members dishonorably revoked shall not be entitled to any benefits and
advantages due that of a former member of parliament in the Staten van Curacao or or service in
V. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH FINANCIAL FINES The failure to comply with the financial fines in section shall result in the immediate
arrest and imprisonment of the following:
a) The Leader of the Party to which the offender belongs which came at the time of the offense.
b) The Chairman of the Party to which the offender belongs which came at the time of the offense.
c) The Offender of the said.
VI. TERMS OF NONCOMPLIANCE WITH FINANCIAL FINES The person and or persons listed in section shall remain incarcerated for a period
of no less than 13 months. The persons listed in section shall remain incarcerated until the financial fines
imposed is collected by the governmental treasury and paid in full. Any other member or members of the said party of the offender that is on the Party’s
Registered List of Candidates:
a) Shall not be permitted to participate in any said election until all and any financial fines of
their party is paid in full to the governmental treasury, irregardless in a change of party affiliation by
member and or members on the Party’s Registered List of Candidates.
VII. DISQUALIFICATION OF A PARTY TO ELECTION Any party that has infractured the contents of this Proposed bill for a second occurrenceshall disqualify themselves and their party and any member on the registered list of candidate for
participation in the next election, no matter which party the said offender belongs to after the infracture. Any party that has infractured the contents of this Proposed bill after a second occurrence
shall disqualify themselves and their party and any member on the registered list of candidate for
participation in the next three (3) National General Elections or 11 years; whichever is more lengthy in time, no matter which party the said offender belongs to after the infracture. Any party that has infractured the contents of this Proposed bill, for in the first occurrence
shall disqualify themselves and their party and any member on the registered list of candidates for
participation in the subsequent scheduled by-election to replace the said member or members whom is the offender or offenders, if and its contents, and or and its contents, results in the revocation of the Offender or Offenders.
VIII. DEMAND The offender must seek professional psychological, psychiatric and medical assistance within 2 weeks after a Notice of Activation .IX. SUSPENSION The offender and or offenders shall be temporarily suspended and voting rights and privileges suspended until a session to determine the result or results of their membership in the Staten van Curacao is made (see REVOCATION A motion to discuss the revocation of the offender shall occur within 21 days of the incident of occurrence. The motion to revoke membership shall be by a simple majority vote. If the motion to revoke membership passes the said member shall be immediately
revoked and the penalties thereof immediately enforced and stipulated In the event that the offender does not have the chance to have his or her motion tabled within twenty-one (21) days After the Notice of Activation, then the said offender shall be automatically revoked from the honorable house of Parliament; The Staten van Curacao. In the event that the offender shall have the weight of 50% plus 1 of the voting
population from that registry of the election, then the voice of the people shall be expressed via a
signed petition of (e) on behalf of the offender. The petition to over weigh the revocation of a member to the Staten van Curacao via
this Proposed Bill shall occur before the end of the first 7 days after the Notice of Activation in
accordance to this Proposed Bill. Each and every petitioner must be on the registry and present the following:
a) An Official Valid Government issued Identification Card that corresponds to their voter's card The petitioner shall affirm their support by writing in:
a) Their complete official first name and surname;
b) Their Identification Number;
c) Their official address of residence;
d) Their Mobile phone contact number, (as a source of validating and ensuring
authenticity) and,
e) Placing their signature in the said signature column as provided by The Official Form REVO2017-01. Once revocated from Parliament an individual shall not ever qualify for membership to the
Staten Van Curacao again and hence his, her and or their revocation shall be permanent.
XI. PERPETUITY The Notice of Activation and the results of such shall be permanently applied to a memberfound infracture to this proposed Bill and shall be applicable to the life of his or her participation in
public service.
Josefina Josepha
In English | Dutch Version | Papiamentu Version | In Spanish
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Form REVO2017-01 |
Prepared & Proposed by Josefina Josepha
February 23rd 2017 @14:04
©2017 Josefina Josepha. All rights reserved.
Proposed by Josefina Josepha
©2019 JJosephaNews. All rights reserved.
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