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Friday, April 22, 2022




By: JJosephaNews
Reading Time:  3:00 mins.
Twitter: @JJosephaNews

THE NETHERLANDS MAKES 500,000 EUROS AVAILABLE FOR RENOVATION OF THE CHINESE COMMUNITY BUILDING ON CONCORDIASTRAAT IN SCHARLOO CURACAO. THE NETHERLANDS REPRESENTATIVE IN CURACAO  By: JJosephaNews Reading Time:  3:00 mins. Twitter: @JJosephaNews Nederland stelt 500.000 euro beschikbaar voor renovatie van gebouw Chinese gemeenschap aan de Concordiastraat in Scharloo WILLEMSTAD - Vandaag is het exact 80 jaar geleden dat meerdere Chinese zeelieden hier op Curaçao zijn doodgeschoten en tientallen gewonden zijn gevallen. Deze zeelieden werden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog op Curacao ingezet bij de productie en het vervoer en van brandstoffen. Zij werkten met gevaar voor eigen leven en onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden op tankers die ruwe olie vanuit Venezuela naar de raffinaderijen op Aruba en Curaçao verscheepten. De brandstoffen waren van vitaal belang voor de strijd van de geallieerden tegen de vijand in Europa, Afrika en Azië. Daarmee leverden zij een belangrijke bijdrage aan de strijd die werd gevoerd en uiteindelijk aan het bereiken van vrede. Zij protesteerden tegen slechte veiligheidsvoorzieningen en wilden een betere betaling. Wat een conflict over arbeidsvoorwaarden was, liep echter op 20 april 1942 volledig uit de hand, met het bekende afschuwelijke en noodlottige gevolg dat we kennen. De ceremonie van vandaag staat voor Nederland in het teken van de herdenking van deze tragische gebeurtenis.  Sinds 2013 heeft het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties het uiterste geprobeerd de onderste steen boven water te krijgen over wat precies op die dag is gebeurd. De vorige minister van BZK heeft vorig jaar laten weten dat Nederland haar medeleven wil laten blijken door een passend gebaar te maken dat recht doet aan deze vreselijke gebeurtenis. Daartoe is in contact getreden met de Chinese gemeenschap op Curaçao. Het resultaat is dat Nederland een bedrag van 500.000 euro beschikbaar stelt voor de renovatie van het gebouw van de Curaçaose Chinese gemeenschap aan de Concordiastraat in Scharloo, dat onlangs als officieel monument is aangewezen.  “Vandaag, exact tachtig jaar later, wil ik namens de Nederlandse staat spijt uitspreken voor het feit dat er vanuit de Nederlandse overheid lange tijd te weinig aandacht is gegeven aan de gebeurtenis en geen medeleven is geuit voor de gevolgen van de tragedie die de levens van velen heeft getekend en die tot op de dag van vandaag doorwerkt op Curaçao en in het bijzonder de Chinese gemeenschap op Curaçao”, aldus de Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland op Curaçao, Aruba en Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout vandaag tijdens zijn toespraak ter ere van de herdenking. “Met het gebaar kunnen de tragisch omgekomen Chinese zeelieden worden herdacht, kan de geschiedenis worden gemarkeerd om te voorkomen dat die wordt vergeten, maar bovenal kan het gebaar de basis zijn voor meer wederzijds begrip, als het leidt tot het smeden van hechtere banden tussen de inwoners van de landen van het Koninkrijk van uiteenlopende oorsprong, kortom een gebaar dat bijdraagt aan een gemeenschappelijke toekomst”.  De uitwerking van dit gebaar zal op korte termijn met de Chinese gemeenschap ter hand worden genomen. “Op het fundament van deze herdenking groeit dan hopelijk een nieuwe verhouding tot dat verleden, en in die nieuwe verhouding schuilt de kracht om mogelijk bestaande tegenstellingen te overbruggen. En uit die kracht kan harmonie ontstaan”, aldus de heer Arkenbout.  --- Hulanda ta buta 500.000 euro na disposishon pa renobashon di edifisio di komunidat chines na Concordiastraat na Skalo WILLEMSTAD - Awe ta hasi eksaktamente 80 aña ku a tira vários marinero chines mata aki na Kòrsou i desena di herido a kai. Tabata desplegá e marineronan den produkshon i transporte di kombustibel na Kòrsou durante di segundo guera mundial. Nan tabata traha ku peliger pa propio bida i bou di kondishonnan duru riba tankero ku tabata transportá krudo for di Venezuela pa e refineria na Aruba i Kòrsou. E kombustibel tabata di vital importansia pa e lucha di e aliadonan kontra di e enemigu na Oropa, Afrika i Asia. Hasiendo esaki, nan tabatin un kontribushon importante na e bataya ku a hiba i na finalmente logra pas.  Nan a protestá kontra falta di fasilidat di seguridat i tabata ke un mihó pago. Sin embargo, loke tabata un konflikto tokante di kondishon di labor a sali kompletamente for di man riba 20 di aprel 1942, ku e resultado hororoso i desastroso ku nos konosé. Pa Hulanda, e seremonia di awe ta den kuadro di konmemorashon di e evento trágiko aki. For di 2013, e ministerio di asuntunan interior i di relashonnan den Reino (BZK) a hasi tur loke ta na su alkanse pa deskubrí kiko eksaktamente a pasa riba e dia aki. E anterior minister di BZK aña pasá a indiká ku Hulanda ke mustra su simpatia hasiendo un gesto apropiá. Ku esaki a drenta den kontakto ku e komunidat chines na Kòrsou. E resultado ta ku Hulanda ta pone un montante di 500.000 euro disponibel pa renobashon di e edifisio di e komunidat chines na Kòrsou, situá na Concordiastraat den Skalo i ku resientemente a designá komo monumento ofisial. “Awe, eksaktamente 80 aña despues, na nòmber di gobièrnu hulandes mi ke ekspresá lamento pa e echo ku durante di un tempu largu e gobièrnu hulandes a pone tiki atenshon na e evento aki i no a ekspresá simpatia pa e konsekuensianan di e tragedia ku a afektá bida di hopi hende i ku te dia di awe ta kontinuá na Kòrsou i partikularmente den e komunidat chines na Kòrsou”, segun e Representante di Hulanda na Kòrsou, Aruba i Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout, awe durante di su diskurso na honor di e konmemorashon. “Ku e gesto aki por konmemorá e marineronan chines ku a pèrdè nan bida trágikamente, por marka e historia pa evitá ku ta lubidá esaki, pero mas ku tur kos e gesto aki por ta e base pa mas entendimentu mutuo, na momentu ku esaki ta kondusí na laso mas estrecho entre e abitantenan di paisnan den Reino di diferente orígen, brevemente bisá, un gesto ku ta kontribuí na un futuro komun.” Riba término kòrtiku lo elaborá riba e gesto aki ku e komunidat chines. “Ohalá ku e konmemorashon aki, un relashon nobo ku e pasado aki lo krese i ku den e relashon nobo aki ta sinta e poder pa surpasá posibel kontradikshon eksistente. I for di e poder aki harmonia por surgi”, señor Arkenbout a bisa. --- The Netherlands makes 500,000 euros available for renovation of the Chinese community building on Concordiastraat in Scharloo WILLEMSTAD - It is exactly 80 years ago today that several Chinese sailors were shot dead here on Curaçao and dozens were injured. These seamen were deployed on Curacao during the Second World War for the production and transport of fuels. At the risk of their own lives and in appalling conditions, they worked on tankers that shipped crude oil from Venezuela to the refineries in Aruba and Curaçao. The fuels were vital to the allies' struggle against the enemy in Europe, Africa and Asia. In doing so, the seamen made an important contribution to the battle that was being waged and that ultimately led to peace. They protested against poor security and demanded better payment. What was a conflict over working conditions, however, turned completely sour on April 20, 1942, with the well-known horrific and disastrous result that we know. Today's ceremony, for the Netherlands is dedicated to the commemoration of this tragic event. Since 2013, the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations has tried its utmost to uncover the truth of what exactly happened on that day. The previous Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations announced last year that the Netherlands would like to show its sympathy by making an appropriate gesture that does justice to this terrible event. To this end, contact has been made with the Chinese community on Curacao. As a result, the Netherlands has made an amount of 500,000 euros available for the renovation of the building of the Curaçao Chinese community on the Concordiastraat in Scharloo, which has recently been designated as an official monument. “Today, exactly eighty years later, I would like to express my regret on behalf of the Dutch state for the fact that for a long time the Dutch government paid too little attention to the event and expressed no sympathy for the consequences of the tragedy that affected the lives of many and continues to this day in Curacao and in particular the Chinese community in Curacao,” said the Representative of the Netherlands in Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout today during his speech in honor of the commemoration. “The gesture can be used to commemorate the tragically lost Chinese sailors, to mark history to prevent it from being forgotten, but above all, the gesture can be the basis for greater mutual understanding if it leads to closer ties between the inhabitants of the countries of the Kingdom of different origins. In short, a gesture that contributes to a common future”. The details of this gesture will be discussed shortly with the Chinese community. “This commemoration will hopefully lay the foundations for a new relationship with the past and in that new relationship will lie the strength to overcome any cultural differences. That strength can blossom into harmony”, says mr. Arkenbout. --- 纪念逝世的中国船员 库拉索岛在第二次世界大战期间对盟军的作战非常重要,就像阿鲁巴岛一样。  炼油厂对于打击德国、意大利和日本具有重要的战略价值。荷兰遭到纳粹德国占领,而荷属库拉索岛当局正式对伦敦的战争内阁负责。在实践中,1942 年时任总督的沃特斯(Wouters)先生和 1942 年以后的总督卡斯特尔(Kasteel)先生,都有很大的自由来决定自己的政策。   德国潜艇经常在库拉索岛和阿鲁巴岛附近海域以鱼雷攻击油轮和其他船只。这在所有级别和背景的船员当中造成了不安,因为他们的工作变得极其危险。  当荷兰高级船员出于这个原因罢工时,库拉索船运公司(Curaçaose Scheepvaart Maatschappij)的董事会与他们进行交谈,以了解如何才能解决他们的担忧。然而不久之后,大部分经由鹿特丹迁移到库拉索岛的中国船员开始罢工时,人们却无法给予同等的理解。大约四百名中国人被关押在苏菲森特(Suffisant)营区。库拉索船运公司和库拉索石油公司(Curaçao Petroleum Maatschappij)的董事们坚持“展示强大的权力”。来自库拉索石油公司大约二十名警察和几名保安人员向受命来到苏菲森特营区,将愿意工作的人和拒绝工作的人区隔开来。这个行动在 1942 年 4 月 20 日以致命的冲突告终,多名中国工人遭到枪杀,数十人受伤。  工人们在极其悲惨的条件下死去。这是非常遗憾的,因为他们死于一连串悲惨的遭遇。他们被要求在非常危险的情况下投入燃料的生产。围绕工作条件的冲突逐渐失控,最后造成了我们都知道的可怕的灾难性后果。 今天,我们要反思这场悲剧。  之后,受害者几乎是马上就被埋进位于科莱布拉贝尔德(Kolebra Bèrdè)的无名乱葬岗之中。当局没有进一步关注这件事;当地报纸 Amigoe 对这起惨案的报道甚至遭到审查员禁止刊登。一个当地调查委员会对武装干预之前的决定以及这项行动本身抱持批评态度。战争内阁认为情况相当严峻。 总督沃特斯于 1942 年 7 月被撤换,一部分原因便是出自于此。战争结束后,荷兰方面不再理会此事。 直到几十年后,这场悲剧才受到更多关注,遇难者受到大家追悼并以全名纪念,同一座坟场现在已经是名誉墓地。战争受害者赔偿基金会(De Stichting Eerherstel Oorlogsslachtoffers)与其他机构一起为实现这一目标做出了许多努力。 这起事件不是单一事件。现在回头来看,在战争初期总督所采取的措施,可能会被认为是不必要的苛刻。在宣布紧急状态后,数百名据称具有潜在危险的人立即被关押在博奈尔岛的一个营地中,其中还包括并不同情纳粹政权的德国居民、甚至犹太难民。来自库拉索岛的梅纳尔多·德·马切纳(Menardo de Marchena)也遭到拘禁,他曾在 1930 年代对殖民政权发表过批判性言论。  除此之外,对于来自欧洲的犹太难民的政策是十分严厉的。尽管位于伦敦的战争内阁要求放宽准入,但沃特斯总督还是用尽全力把他们锁在安的列斯群岛之外。后来确实有一小部分的犹太难民得到接纳,但如果当时的政策更开放,可能会挽救更多生命。 今天的这个仪式是代表荷兰纪念当时抗议的工人逝世八十周年。这些死去的船员冒着生命危险和恶劣条件在油轮上工作,这些油轮将原油从委内瑞拉运到阿鲁巴岛和库拉索岛的炼油厂。这些运来的燃料对于盟军在欧洲、非洲和亚洲与敌军作战是至关重要的。他们的努力和劳动英勇抵抗了侵略者,最终为结束战争和实现和平做出了巨大贡献。通过这种方式,他们也为盟军的军力做出了不可或缺的贡献,因此也为荷兰王国做出了不可或缺的贡献。 过去的历史是无法改变的。纪念这些英勇的人,可以激励我们放眼未来。我们可以从这段历史中学到什么,让现在和未来的和平社会得到实现?  自 2013 年以来,荷兰内政和王国关系部一直在讨论这个问题,并试图呈现事实的真相。为此,荷兰内政和王国关系部尽了一切努力。 荷兰内政和王国关系前任部长去年表示,荷兰希望对这一事件表达同情之意。荷兰愿意做出适当的举动,公正地对待这一事件。  为此,我们去年与库拉索的华人社区进行了接触。这带来了许多具有启发性的对话,我们通过这些对话思考了哪些举动可以被认为是适当的。 有时侯,一个举动就能胜过千言万语。藉由这个举动,我们可以纪念悲惨丧命的中国船员,也可以标记历史,防止历史被遗忘。最重要的是,这个举动可以成为增进相互理解的基础,并能够在荷兰王国各个土地上、在具有不同背景的居民之间建立更紧密的联系。简而言之,这是一种有益于共同未来的举动。 荷兰为库拉索华人社区的信念而感动,他们认为这样的举动不仅仅是一个反思过去的机会。他们表示,这个举动还可以让人们从这些事件中记取教训,并将教训转而应用在现在和未来。如果能通过这个举动承认过去、现在和未来之间的这种联系,这对后代子孙、华人社区本身以及荷兰王国内的其他人都是至关重要的。  这样,纪念就具有回顾与反省过去的意义,也具有放眼未来、理解尊重、携手合作和深化等意义。 我们从库拉索岛的华人社区收到了关于哪些属于适当的举动的建议和想法。荷兰对此非常感激。这些建议和想法让已承诺的举动具有实现的基础,库拉索政府也被要求参与其中。毕竟,这件事就发生在库拉索境内。这就是荷兰想在这里表达关切之意的原因。 因此,我们拨出了五十万欧元,用于翻新位于斯哈洛(Scharloo)的库拉索华人社区纪念建筑,这个建筑最近被指定为正式纪念建筑。近期内我们也会向华人社区进行详细说明。希望在这次纪念的基础上能够与过去发展出一段新的关系,而这种新关系之中蕴藏着力量,能够弥合可能存在的矛盾。这股力量可以为我们带来和谐。 八十年后的今天,我谨代表荷兰政府表示遗憾,长期以来荷兰政府对这起事件的关注太少,对这场悲剧造成的后果没有表示同情;这场悲剧在许多人的生命中留下伤痕,它的阴霾一直笼罩着库拉索岛、特别是库拉索岛的华人社区,直到今天。 让我们从过去记取教训。无论现在还是将来,我们所有人都应该记取教训,对彼此展现更多尊重、更多理解与相互合作。借此,我们要向为正义与和平奋斗而牺牲生命的死难者表示敬意和纪念。他们的逝去为我们和我们的后代子孙带来了宝贵的资产。  我要感谢所有组织这次纪念活动的人,他们让我,代表荷兰政府,有机会向您们发表这些话。  Willemstad, Curacao. It is exactly 80 years ago today that several Chinese sailors were shot dead here on Curaçao and dozens were injured. These seamen were deployed on Curacao during the Second World War for the production and transport of fuels. At the risk of their own lives and in appalling conditions, they worked on tankers that shipped crude oil from Venezuela to the refineries in Aruba and Curaçao. The fuels were vital to the allies' struggle against the enemy in Europe, Africa and Asia. In doing so, the seamen made an important contribution to the battle that was being waged and that ultimately led to peace.    THE NETHERLANDS AND CHINA They protested against poor security and demanded better payment. What was a conflict over working conditions, however, turned completely sour on April 20, 1942, with the well-known horrific and disastrous result that we know. Today's ceremony, for the Netherlands is dedicated to the commemoration of this tragic event.  Since 2013, the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations has tried its utmost to uncover the truth of what exactly happened on that day. The previous Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations announced last year that the Netherlands would like to show its sympathy by making an appropriate gesture that does justice to this terrible event. To this end, contact has been made with the Chinese community on Curacao. As a result, the Netherlands has made an amount of 500,000 euros available for the renovation of the building of the Curaçao Chinese community on the Concordiastraat in Scharloo, which has recently been designated as an official monument.  “Today, exactly eighty years later, I would like to express my regret on behalf of the Dutch state for the fact that for a long time the Dutch government paid too little attention to the event and expressed no sympathy for the consequences of the tragedy that affected the lives of many and continues to this day in Curacao and in particular the Chinese community in Curacao,” said the Representative of the Netherlands in Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout today during his speech in honor of the commemoration. “The gesture can be used to commemorate the tragically lost Chinese sailors, to mark history to prevent it from being forgotten, but above all, the gesture can be the basis for greater mutual understanding if it leads to closer ties between the inhabitants of the countries of the Kingdom of different origins. In short, a gesture that contributes to a common future”.  The details of this gesture will be discussed shortly with the Chinese community. “This commemoration will hopefully lay the foundations for a new relationship with the past and in that new relationship will lie the strength to overcome any cultural differences. That strength can blossom into harmony”, says Mr. Arkenbout.    Fact Check:  We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you should read or see something that doesn't look right, Contact Us!    To read more from JJosephaNews:  Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel  Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Stay tuned for  more news @JJosephaNews!   #netherlands #chinesesailors #shotdead #curacao #injured #secondworldwar #fuels#work #tankers #ship #crudeoil #venezuela #refineries #aruba #allies #europe #africa #asia #battle #peace #ministryofinteriorandkingdomrelations #concordiastraat #scharloo #representativeofthenetherlands #sintmaarten #erwinarkenbout   ©2022 JJosephaNews. All rights reserved.. Nederland stelt 500.000 euro beschikbaar voor renovatie van gebouw Chinese gemeenschap aan de Concordiastraat in Scharloo WILLEMSTAD - Vandaag is het exact 80 jaar geleden dat meerdere Chinese zeelieden hier op Curaçao zijn doodgeschoten en tientallen gewonden zijn gevallen. Deze zeelieden werden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog op Curacao ingezet bij de productie en het vervoer en van brandstoffen. Zij werkten met gevaar voor eigen leven en onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden op tankers die ruwe olie vanuit Venezuela naar de raffinaderijen op Aruba en Curaçao verscheepten. De brandstoffen waren van vitaal belang voor de strijd van de geallieerden tegen de vijand in Europa, Afrika en Azië. Daarmee leverden zij een belangrijke bijdrage aan de strijd die werd gevoerd en uiteindelijk aan het bereiken van vrede. Zij protesteerden tegen slechte veiligheidsvoorzieningen en wilden een betere betaling. Wat een conflict over arbeidsvoorwaarden was, liep echter op 20 april 1942 volledig uit de hand, met het bekende afschuwelijke en noodlottige gevolg dat we kennen. De ceremonie van vandaag staat voor Nederland in het teken van de herdenking van deze tragische gebeurtenis.  Sinds 2013 heeft het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties het uiterste geprobeerd de onderste steen boven water te krijgen over wat precies op die dag is gebeurd. De vorige minister van BZK heeft vorig jaar laten weten dat Nederland haar medeleven wil laten blijken door een passend gebaar te maken dat recht doet aan deze vreselijke gebeurtenis. Daartoe is in contact getreden met de Chinese gemeenschap op Curaçao. Het resultaat is dat Nederland een bedrag van 500.000 euro beschikbaar stelt voor de renovatie van het gebouw van de Curaçaose Chinese gemeenschap aan de Concordiastraat in Scharloo, dat onlangs als officieel monument is aangewezen.  “Vandaag, exact tachtig jaar later, wil ik namens de Nederlandse staat spijt uitspreken voor het feit dat er vanuit de Nederlandse overheid lange tijd te weinig aandacht is gegeven aan de gebeurtenis en geen medeleven is geuit voor de gevolgen van de tragedie die de levens van velen heeft getekend en die tot op de dag van vandaag doorwerkt op Curaçao en in het bijzonder de Chinese gemeenschap op Curaçao”, aldus de Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland op Curaçao, Aruba en Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout vandaag tijdens zijn toespraak ter ere van de herdenking. “Met het gebaar kunnen de tragisch omgekomen Chinese zeelieden worden herdacht, kan de geschiedenis worden gemarkeerd om te voorkomen dat die wordt vergeten, maar bovenal kan het gebaar de basis zijn voor meer wederzijds begrip, als het leidt tot het smeden van hechtere banden tussen de inwoners van de landen van het Koninkrijk van uiteenlopende oorsprong, kortom een gebaar dat bijdraagt aan een gemeenschappelijke toekomst”.  De uitwerking van dit gebaar zal op korte termijn met de Chinese gemeenschap ter hand worden genomen. “Op het fundament van deze herdenking groeit dan hopelijk een nieuwe verhouding tot dat verleden, en in die nieuwe verhouding schuilt de kracht om mogelijk bestaande tegenstellingen te overbruggen. En uit die kracht kan harmonie ontstaan”, aldus de heer Arkenbout.  --- Hulanda ta buta 500.000 euro na disposishon pa renobashon di edifisio di komunidat chines na Concordiastraat na Skalo WILLEMSTAD - Awe ta hasi eksaktamente 80 aña ku a tira vários marinero chines mata aki na Kòrsou i desena di herido a kai. Tabata desplegá e marineronan den produkshon i transporte di kombustibel na Kòrsou durante di segundo guera mundial. Nan tabata traha ku peliger pa propio bida i bou di kondishonnan duru riba tankero ku tabata transportá krudo for di Venezuela pa e refineria na Aruba i Kòrsou. E kombustibel tabata di vital importansia pa e lucha di e aliadonan kontra di e enemigu na Oropa, Afrika i Asia. Hasiendo esaki, nan tabatin un kontribushon importante na e bataya ku a hiba i na finalmente logra pas.  Nan a protestá kontra falta di fasilidat di seguridat i tabata ke un mihó pago. Sin embargo, loke tabata un konflikto tokante di kondishon di labor a sali kompletamente for di man riba 20 di aprel 1942, ku e resultado hororoso i desastroso ku nos konosé. Pa Hulanda, e seremonia di awe ta den kuadro di konmemorashon di e evento trágiko aki. For di 2013, e ministerio di asuntunan interior i di relashonnan den Reino (BZK) a hasi tur loke ta na su alkanse pa deskubrí kiko eksaktamente a pasa riba e dia aki. E anterior minister di BZK aña pasá a indiká ku Hulanda ke mustra su simpatia hasiendo un gesto apropiá. Ku esaki a drenta den kontakto ku e komunidat chines na Kòrsou. E resultado ta ku Hulanda ta pone un montante di 500.000 euro disponibel pa renobashon di e edifisio di e komunidat chines na Kòrsou, situá na Concordiastraat den Skalo i ku resientemente a designá komo monumento ofisial. “Awe, eksaktamente 80 aña despues, na nòmber di gobièrnu hulandes mi ke ekspresá lamento pa e echo ku durante di un tempu largu e gobièrnu hulandes a pone tiki atenshon na e evento aki i no a ekspresá simpatia pa e konsekuensianan di e tragedia ku a afektá bida di hopi hende i ku te dia di awe ta kontinuá na Kòrsou i partikularmente den e komunidat chines na Kòrsou”, segun e Representante di Hulanda na Kòrsou, Aruba i Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout, awe durante di su diskurso na honor di e konmemorashon. “Ku e gesto aki por konmemorá e marineronan chines ku a pèrdè nan bida trágikamente, por marka e historia pa evitá ku ta lubidá esaki, pero mas ku tur kos e gesto aki por ta e base pa mas entendimentu mutuo, na momentu ku esaki ta kondusí na laso mas estrecho entre e abitantenan di paisnan den Reino di diferente orígen, brevemente bisá, un gesto ku ta kontribuí na un futuro komun.” Riba término kòrtiku lo elaborá riba e gesto aki ku e komunidat chines. “Ohalá ku e konmemorashon aki, un relashon nobo ku e pasado aki lo krese i ku den e relashon nobo aki ta sinta e poder pa surpasá posibel kontradikshon eksistente. I for di e poder aki harmonia por surgi”, señor Arkenbout a bisa. --- The Netherlands makes 500,000 euros available for renovation of the Chinese community building on Concordiastraat in Scharloo WILLEMSTAD - It is exactly 80 years ago today that several Chinese sailors were shot dead here on Curaçao and dozens were injured. These seamen were deployed on Curacao during the Second World War for the production and transport of fuels. At the risk of their own lives and in appalling conditions, they worked on tankers that shipped crude oil from Venezuela to the refineries in Aruba and Curaçao. The fuels were vital to the allies' struggle against the enemy in Europe, Africa and Asia. In doing so, the seamen made an important contribution to the battle that was being waged and that ultimately led to peace. They protested against poor security and demanded better payment. What was a conflict over working conditions, however, turned completely sour on April 20, 1942, with the well-known horrific and disastrous result that we know. Today's ceremony, for the Netherlands is dedicated to the commemoration of this tragic event. Since 2013, the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations has tried its utmost to uncover the truth of what exactly happened on that day. The previous Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations announced last year that the Netherlands would like to show its sympathy by making an appropriate gesture that does justice to this terrible event. To this end, contact has been made with the Chinese community on Curacao. As a result, the Netherlands has made an amount of 500,000 euros available for the renovation of the building of the Curaçao Chinese community on the Concordiastraat in Scharloo, which has recently been designated as an official monument. “Today, exactly eighty years later, I would like to express my regret on behalf of the Dutch state for the fact that for a long time the Dutch government paid too little attention to the event and expressed no sympathy for the consequences of the tragedy that affected the lives of many and continues to this day in Curacao and in particular the Chinese community in Curacao,” said the Representative of the Netherlands in Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout today during his speech in honor of the commemoration. “The gesture can be used to commemorate the tragically lost Chinese sailors, to mark history to prevent it from being forgotten, but above all, the gesture can be the basis for greater mutual understanding if it leads to closer ties between the inhabitants of the countries of the Kingdom of different origins. In short, a gesture that contributes to a common future”. The details of this gesture will be discussed shortly with the Chinese community. “This commemoration will hopefully lay the foundations for a new relationship with the past and in that new relationship will lie the strength to overcome any cultural differences. That strength can blossom into harmony”, says mr. Arkenbout. --- 纪念逝世的中国船员 库拉索岛在第二次世界大战期间对盟军的作战非常重要,就像阿鲁巴岛一样。  炼油厂对于打击德国、意大利和日本具有重要的战略价值。荷兰遭到纳粹德国占领,而荷属库拉索岛当局正式对伦敦的战争内阁负责。在实践中,1942 年时任总督的沃特斯(Wouters)先生和 1942 年以后的总督卡斯特尔(Kasteel)先生,都有很大的自由来决定自己的政策。   德国潜艇经常在库拉索岛和阿鲁巴岛附近海域以鱼雷攻击油轮和其他船只。这在所有级别和背景的船员当中造成了不安,因为他们的工作变得极其危险。  当荷兰高级船员出于这个原因罢工时,库拉索船运公司(Curaçaose Scheepvaart Maatschappij)的董事会与他们进行交谈,以了解如何才能解决他们的担忧。然而不久之后,大部分经由鹿特丹迁移到库拉索岛的中国船员开始罢工时,人们却无法给予同等的理解。大约四百名中国人被关押在苏菲森特(Suffisant)营区。库拉索船运公司和库拉索石油公司(Curaçao Petroleum Maatschappij)的董事们坚持“展示强大的权力”。来自库拉索石油公司大约二十名警察和几名保安人员向受命来到苏菲森特营区,将愿意工作的人和拒绝工作的人区隔开来。这个行动在 1942 年 4 月 20 日以致命的冲突告终,多名中国工人遭到枪杀,数十人受伤。  工人们在极其悲惨的条件下死去。这是非常遗憾的,因为他们死于一连串悲惨的遭遇。他们被要求在非常危险的情况下投入燃料的生产。围绕工作条件的冲突逐渐失控,最后造成了我们都知道的可怕的灾难性后果。 今天,我们要反思这场悲剧。  之后,受害者几乎是马上就被埋进位于科莱布拉贝尔德(Kolebra Bèrdè)的无名乱葬岗之中。当局没有进一步关注这件事;当地报纸 Amigoe 对这起惨案的报道甚至遭到审查员禁止刊登。一个当地调查委员会对武装干预之前的决定以及这项行动本身抱持批评态度。战争内阁认为情况相当严峻。 总督沃特斯于 1942 年 7 月被撤换,一部分原因便是出自于此。战争结束后,荷兰方面不再理会此事。 直到几十年后,这场悲剧才受到更多关注,遇难者受到大家追悼并以全名纪念,同一座坟场现在已经是名誉墓地。战争受害者赔偿基金会(De Stichting Eerherstel Oorlogsslachtoffers)与其他机构一起为实现这一目标做出了许多努力。 这起事件不是单一事件。现在回头来看,在战争初期总督所采取的措施,可能会被认为是不必要的苛刻。在宣布紧急状态后,数百名据称具有潜在危险的人立即被关押在博奈尔岛的一个营地中,其中还包括并不同情纳粹政权的德国居民、甚至犹太难民。来自库拉索岛的梅纳尔多·德·马切纳(Menardo de Marchena)也遭到拘禁,他曾在 1930 年代对殖民政权发表过批判性言论。  除此之外,对于来自欧洲的犹太难民的政策是十分严厉的。尽管位于伦敦的战争内阁要求放宽准入,但沃特斯总督还是用尽全力把他们锁在安的列斯群岛之外。后来确实有一小部分的犹太难民得到接纳,但如果当时的政策更开放,可能会挽救更多生命。 今天的这个仪式是代表荷兰纪念当时抗议的工人逝世八十周年。这些死去的船员冒着生命危险和恶劣条件在油轮上工作,这些油轮将原油从委内瑞拉运到阿鲁巴岛和库拉索岛的炼油厂。这些运来的燃料对于盟军在欧洲、非洲和亚洲与敌军作战是至关重要的。他们的努力和劳动英勇抵抗了侵略者,最终为结束战争和实现和平做出了巨大贡献。通过这种方式,他们也为盟军的军力做出了不可或缺的贡献,因此也为荷兰王国做出了不可或缺的贡献。 过去的历史是无法改变的。纪念这些英勇的人,可以激励我们放眼未来。我们可以从这段历史中学到什么,让现在和未来的和平社会得到实现?  自 2013 年以来,荷兰内政和王国关系部一直在讨论这个问题,并试图呈现事实的真相。为此,荷兰内政和王国关系部尽了一切努力。 荷兰内政和王国关系前任部长去年表示,荷兰希望对这一事件表达同情之意。荷兰愿意做出适当的举动,公正地对待这一事件。  为此,我们去年与库拉索的华人社区进行了接触。这带来了许多具有启发性的对话,我们通过这些对话思考了哪些举动可以被认为是适当的。 有时侯,一个举动就能胜过千言万语。藉由这个举动,我们可以纪念悲惨丧命的中国船员,也可以标记历史,防止历史被遗忘。最重要的是,这个举动可以成为增进相互理解的基础,并能够在荷兰王国各个土地上、在具有不同背景的居民之间建立更紧密的联系。简而言之,这是一种有益于共同未来的举动。 荷兰为库拉索华人社区的信念而感动,他们认为这样的举动不仅仅是一个反思过去的机会。他们表示,这个举动还可以让人们从这些事件中记取教训,并将教训转而应用在现在和未来。如果能通过这个举动承认过去、现在和未来之间的这种联系,这对后代子孙、华人社区本身以及荷兰王国内的其他人都是至关重要的。  这样,纪念就具有回顾与反省过去的意义,也具有放眼未来、理解尊重、携手合作和深化等意义。 我们从库拉索岛的华人社区收到了关于哪些属于适当的举动的建议和想法。荷兰对此非常感激。这些建议和想法让已承诺的举动具有实现的基础,库拉索政府也被要求参与其中。毕竟,这件事就发生在库拉索境内。这就是荷兰想在这里表达关切之意的原因。 因此,我们拨出了五十万欧元,用于翻新位于斯哈洛(Scharloo)的库拉索华人社区纪念建筑,这个建筑最近被指定为正式纪念建筑。近期内我们也会向华人社区进行详细说明。希望在这次纪念的基础上能够与过去发展出一段新的关系,而这种新关系之中蕴藏着力量,能够弥合可能存在的矛盾。这股力量可以为我们带来和谐。 八十年后的今天,我谨代表荷兰政府表示遗憾,长期以来荷兰政府对这起事件的关注太少,对这场悲剧造成的后果没有表示同情;这场悲剧在许多人的生命中留下伤痕,它的阴霾一直笼罩着库拉索岛、特别是库拉索岛的华人社区,直到今天。 让我们从过去记取教训。无论现在还是将来,我们所有人都应该记取教训,对彼此展现更多尊重、更多理解与相互合作。借此,我们要向为正义与和平奋斗而牺牲生命的死难者表示敬意和纪念。他们的逝去为我们和我们的后代子孙带来了宝贵的资产。  我要感谢所有组织这次纪念活动的人,他们让我,代表荷兰政府,有机会向您们发表这些话。

Willemstad, CuracaoIt is exactly 80 years ago today that several Chinese sailors were shot dead here on Curaçao and dozens were injured. These seamen were deployed on Curacao during the Second World War for the production and transport of fuels. At the risk of their own lives and in appalling conditions, they worked on tankers that shipped crude oil from Venezuela to the refineries in Aruba and Curaçao. The fuels were vital to the allies' struggle against the enemy in Europe, Africa and Asia. In doing so, the seamen made an important contribution to the battle that was being waged and that ultimately led to peace.



They protested against poor security and demanded better payment. What was a conflict over working conditions, however, turned completely sour on April 20, 1942, with the well-known horrific and disastrous result that we know. Today's ceremony, for the Netherlands is dedicated to the commemoration of this tragic event.

Since 2013, the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations has tried its utmost to uncover the truth of what exactly happened on that day. The previous Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations announced last year that the Netherlands would like to show its sympathy by making an appropriate gesture that does justice to this terrible event. To this end, contact has been made with the Chinese community on Curacao. As a result, the Netherlands has made an amount of 500,000 euros available for the renovation of the building of the Curaçao Chinese community on the Concordiastraat in Scharloo, which has recently been designated as an official monument.

“Today, exactly eighty years later, I would like to express my regret on behalf of the Dutch state for the fact that for a long time the Dutch government paid too little attention to the event and expressed no sympathy for the consequences of the tragedy that affected the lives of many and continues to this day in Curacao and in particular the Chinese community in Curacao,” said the Representative of the Netherlands in Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten, Erwin Arkenbout today during his speech in honor of the commemoration. “The gesture can be used to commemorate the tragically lost Chinese sailors, to mark history to prevent it from being forgotten, but above all, the gesture can be the basis for greater mutual understanding if it leads to closer ties between the inhabitants of the countries of the Kingdom of different origins. In short, a gesture that contributes to a common future”.

The details of this gesture will be discussed shortly with the Chinese community. “This commemoration will hopefully lay the foundations for a new relationship with the past and in that new relationship will lie the strength to overcome any cultural differences. That strength can blossom into harmony”, says Mr. Arkenbout.


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