During an interview, opposition member for Curacao Parliament: Mr. Menki Rojer; (political party KDNT), stated many things against the Law of Exception, Eugene Cleopa, Member Parliament (MP) for the political Party MAN in the coalition PAR-MAN governance, and Minister of Justice Mr. Quincy Girigorie (political party PAR).
Among other things Rojer stated:
"They are doing different things one after the other to prepare the ground for when the Netherlander comes, he can come without any resistance and on top of that, they will stop the election as well!"
Rojer continued: "Cleopa did not say about Article 28; where the Prime Minister, when there is no situation of exception, it still gives him the possibility to apply such law!"
Rojer exclaimed: "The most cruel thing in this case is that the government makes the law, go to the court of justice to ask them for advice, tell them to help them to make it, where in the world have you heard about such a thing? Which means, God would be the keeper of the black and without money Curasalenos, when it gets in front of the justice's court with those "Makambanan", they will strangle it, they will strangle it!"
Rojer testified: "For you to see how degenerated our politicians are here in Curacao!"
Rojer went further and said: "Cleopa and Girigorie, these black man, they are selling their souls with The Satans called "Hulandesnan" of bad faith!
Can you believe that a government will go and ask the court of justice about a law? Parliament is the one who makes the law and court apply them! And what they do? They use Bomba, black man like Girigorie and Cleopa, they are "Bomba", "The Makamba" do their thing and they are the one who who need to sell it!"
Rojer also expressed: "A Curasaleno who thinks that they can give these people its vote, it is a Curasaleno that is perverse, that is against its mother who gives birth, that is who you are if you give this government a vote!"
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