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By: JJosephaNews
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. Wednesday at 1pm (EST), registrants on zoom attended and participated in EarthMedic's soft launch, which was rescheduled from more than 3 weeks ago. Fifty percent (50%) of the attended countries to the EarthMedic soft launch were from The Caribbean and North America and the participants and guests discussed and proposed possible actions required to fight climate change and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD).
On this very day; slavery was abolished 157 years ago on Curacao; the slave trade capital of the world.
On July 1st 1863, Curacao colonizer; The Netherlands, abolished slavery and freed the slaves from physical bondage.
To fight against climate change and the slavery on Mother Earth's environmental health crisis and NCD's, EarthMedic NGO held its soft launch, where more than 20 countries; from 8 geographical regions of the world were represented at the historical virtual online digital event.
To fight against climate change and the slavery on Mother Earth's environmental health crisis and NCD's, EarthMedic NGO held its soft launch, where more than 15 countries were represented and were present at the historical virtual event.
EarthMedic was founded by Dr. James Hospedales in Trinidad and Tobago and has more than 8 associates. representing more than 6 countries, including Curacao.
The soft launch was moderated by Fayola Nicholas, from The Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business and included invitees and supporters:
Dr. David Johnson from The Dominica Government; Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment,
Maureen Lichtveld - Tulane,
Fred Ehresman - UK,
Paula Henry - Caribbean College of Family Physicians (CCFP),
Caroline Allen – Board member,
Layal Barjoud – Defeat-NCD Partnership; and
Celina Gorre from Women Heart (USA)
A guest noted, "EarthMedic is partnering with other countries and leaders to help promote and educate others on Climate and Health Care issues".
The guests gave their support and expressed how important it was for the Caribbean and the world to unite to fight against Climate Change and NCD's.
The United States of America (USA), 2020 Presidential candidate for the Liberal Party; "Joe" Jorgenson campaign personnel contacted JJosephaNews to schedule an interview, where one of the major questions was to clarify her position on climate change.
Based on the interchange and exchange, it could only be interpreted that presently; her campaign was not forthright to be declared as a "Climate Change Believer; (CB)".
At the time of publishing, the current 2020 U.S. presidential candidate for the democratic party; Joseph "Joe" Biden; who served as the Former Vice-President of The United States of America; under President #44; Barack Obama (2008-2016); he; nor his campaign were able to declare their support as Climate Change Believer or Denier.
However; the 2020 presidential candidate for the Democratic party; Joe Biden, has a history of supporting Climate change; as that of his democratic vice-presidential college; Albert "Al" Gore; whom was yet unavailable for comments on the concept and mission of the new planetary health NGO; EarthMedic.
To find out more about EarthMedic, visit www.earthmedic.com
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