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By JJosephaNews
Twitter @JJosephaNews
Willemstad, Curacao. According to a Curacao prisoner's family member, the prisoner; Joamar Hoek, died do to negligence.
Hoek's family was informed on Friday, May 8th that Hoek took his medication but immediately fell ill afterwards.
Hoek was known to have cardiac problems lined with hypertension.
According to sources; Hoek was accustomed to taking a particular medication for his health related problems, but actions were taken to change his medication for a generic brand.
According to sources, from the moment that prison's (SDKK's) healthcare workers/team changed Hoek's medications, he complained about the difference immediately.
According to sources, Hoek complained of vomiting and dry mouth, after his medication was changed for the generic brand.
Furthermore, it was visibly noticeable that his health seemed to be deteriorating.
According to sources, Hoek started a medical protest by voluntarily not taking the generic medication.
It is important to understand the symptomology and chronology of facts.
It is important to understand the symptomology and chronology of facts.
It is important to know when did the vomiting and dry mouth occurred.That is did it occur before or after his protest to not take the generic brand medication.
Furthermore; what laboratory test were done after he complained, because his dry mouth can also be due to Marijuana use, certain health conditions, such as diabetes, stroke, thrush in the mouth caused by a yeast/fungal infection; or more systemic like; Alzheimer's disease, or due to autoimmune diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome (which can't be cured and may explain why a person may find it difficult to open their eyes), or even HIV/AIDS. In addition, snoring and breathing with his mouth open also could have contributed to the feeling of a dry mouth. However, these occurrences apparently coincided with the changed in his medications for among others hypertension.
It is for this reason that the dry mouth and vomiting is perspective and relative, and for that reason his medical records should be reviewed and investigated for derelict, neglect or compliance to Healthcare attention entitled to all regardless of being an inmate or free citizen. Human rights instruments call for prisoners to receive health care at least equivalent to that available for the outside population.
Prison doctors must be able to provide adequate health care in the particular environment that exist in prisons. The doctor’s conduct must not be in conflict with international human rights and ethical standards.
Whereas, a nurse responsibility is to assist the physician, in addition to properly monitoring medical supplies, like needles and medication. The nurse is also responsible for carefully monitoring patients' progress and responses to medical treatments, as well as, administering medication, furthermore; correctional nurses also must properly document patient's medical histories.
The failure to exercise due diligence as the doctor or nurse's responsibility mandates, then weights the full responsibility of the medical healthcare system and Ministers responsible: Suzy Camelia-Romer and her colleague the minister with responsibility for Justice and the Curacao Prison System, Quincy Girigorie, possibly with blood on her hands!
In normal proceedings, it may now be the full responsibility of the investigative team of the public prosecution office (The OM), for which; the Nethetlands is responsible for the Judicial branch of the Curacao government, to spear no excuse in order to uncover any wrong doings within the Ministry of Justice and Curacao's Prison system and or the Ministry of Health. Furthermore; any attempts or actions of a coverup or suppression, aversion or deviation of the truth or witness tampering or intimidation is a felony crime; regardless of the horizontal or vertical hierachy of power from whether it is by a prison inmate or a government minister.
It is truly sad, a human being lost his life, a Curasaleno, a Curacao Native; a Dutch citizen, lost his life and apparently not by accident. If that is the fact of the case, then it sounds, smells, looks and feels like a case of Murder that should be investigated and the Curacao system should do everything within its power and authority; capability and ability to remove murders or criminals and their accomplice or accomplices from within its functional system of operation. However; unlike the song by the Jackson 5 lyrics; "one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch...". However; the paradigm of Justice is, "innocent until proven guilty"..
It may also be possible and feasible that in such a case as that revolving about Joamar Hoek's demise, the introduction of new methods; like administering a Lie Detector Test, to all involved and responsible; in order to discover the truth in addition to policing and investigative methods of piecing together: (1.) What truly happened; (2.) Who are responsible, and; (3.) Why a fellow Curasaleno died or was murdered.
When Hoek went to the SDKK doctors room, Hoek told the nurse; Comenencia, that he doesn't want to continue taking those medications .
According to Hoek's sister, nurse Comenencia told Hoek that if his mother was the one who told him not to take the medications, then to tell his mother to buy other medications and that he needs to take the medications that he was getting.
Afterwards, Hoek decided that he will take the medications according to Hoek's sister; Dentje Hoek.
Friday, May 8th to Sunday, May 10th: Joamar complained to SDKK guards that he was feeling ill. Joamar reportedly remained in his bed.
Friday, May 8th to Sunday, May 10th: Joamar complained to SDKK guards that he was feeling ill. Joamar reportedly remained in his bed.
According to sources, a prison guard informed nurse Comenencia once more about Hoek's health, but the answer was given that Hoek's diet needs to be changed and that is why Hoek was being annoying.
On Monday (May 11 2020), the Prison Guard went to see how Hoek was doing.
According to Hoek's sister; Dentje Hoek; the prison guard informed her that when he spoke with prisoner Hoek, Hoek had told him that he couldn't open his eyes.
That same Monday, nurse Comenencia was notified again about Hoek's situation.
According to Dentje Hoek, the answer given was to give Joamar Hoek tea, and that he will be feeling better and to then come down here (by the prisoners doctors room).
According to Dentje Hoek, nurse Comenencia did not look at Joamar Hoek, leaving him like that, untill Tuesday, May 12th, even though they informed the nurse that Joamar Hoek wasn't able to get up and open his eyes.
On Tuesday morning, prison guard Vrutaal, together with some other prisoners carried Joamar Hoek to the prison doctor's room.
According to sources, even for prisoner Joamar Hoek to reach the prison doctors room, Joamar got instructions that he needed to make the effort, but they; the prison guard and prisoners, claimed that Joamar wasn't in any position to make the effort, because it seemed that he was just too weak.
Allegedly to carry Joamar Hoek to the doctor's office the guard and prisoners formed a team.
Allegedly Joamar Hoek was placed in a wheelchair for a lengthy time period; more than hours; before Curacao's prison Healthcare team decided to carry Joamar Hoek to Curacao Medical Center (CMC), where it was announced that inmate Joamar Hoek had died!
According to sources, allegedly; after prisoner Joamar Hoek's death, prison authorities were playing the "blame game", as to who was at fault for his death.
According to sources; from Friday, May 8th, prison guard Vrutaal was expressing what was going on with inmate Joamar Hoek.
Furthermore, according to sources; Joamar Hoek's family were informed that nurse Comenencia wanted to dump the blame for inmate Joamar Hoek's death on prison guard Vrutaal, however; the Hoek's family expressed that they find that to be an injustice.
The family of Joamar Hoek indicated, "We will not let things stay like this!"
The family of Joamar Hoek indicated, "We will not let things stay like this!"
For now, the family of the deceased, expressed that they want to concentrate on the funeral and burial of their beloved.
The family would like an exception to be granted, to allow for the parents and siblings of the defunct Joamar Hoek, that are in The Netherlands to come back to Curacao to see the body of their child and brother one last time before he is laid to rest.
Furthermore, they are requesting that if that is not feasible, then allow his body to be flewn to Netherlands to be buried.
The family of the defunct; Joamar Hoek has reportedly initialize legal measures against The Curacao Prison Command and The Curacao Minister of Justice and Interim Prime Minister; Quincy Girigorie (political party PAR).
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