By JJosepha News
Dear Editor;
I would appreciate if you would publish the following; since your network seems to be the most unbiased, independent and most read amongst English readers; who want to know and understand more about what's going on in Curacao, The Dutch Caribbean, the neighboring vicinity of Venezuela, The Americas and the world.
Congratulations on all the work and effort, you all are top class and I understand your news philosophy method.
I read a young female Curacao leader's intelligent "dissertation" and rebuttal to former New York Congressman Ruben Diaz about a Puerto Rican issue, and a lot of us from both sides of the aisle, realized that here is someone young, energetic and impartial, calling a spade a spade even to the big powerful intimidating; NY congressman.
We believed he was furious inside, but strategy told him to not answer back, but in life, you will find out that people answer back and get-back in different ways.
Now; If The USA; goes then, so goes the start of tyranny! In a never before unprecedented strategic move to capitalizing on a divided front; portrayed by the american news media; Kim Jong Un is meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time, and in Russia. Whether or not The US has the most potent military power known to man, the simple philosophy of; "A house divided amongst itself will fall...".
On the global scale, The "Kim Jong-V.Putin" Summit has some serious repercussion for America and for that matter; the world. Many people within the Caribbean, Latin Americas and the Eastern-Supporting Hemispheres (ESH); believe that America's news media; the 5th estate; and also the entire democratic party and its leadership; are destroying the influential power and the respect of the office of the US Presidency. The extreme leftist portion of The Democratic Party is pushing an agenda that leads for the downfall of appear. There is a cliche; "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".
Now, some members of congress who were at one time; a big supporter of the Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine Presidential Campaign Race, are now in congress, and it seems that there sole intent is to bolster an attack on the USA, its President and some of the US strongest Allies.
Certain news media network hypnotically desensitize their viewers form the poisonous venom that spews clip after clip about the Presidency and anyone who does not side with them or against the US President. Enough is enough and this must stop, it is not good for democracy and it is very apparent that instead of doing the will of the people they are doing the will of a few, to possibly protect the interest of a special few.
For so long since the presidential race the media has consistently gotten every aspect of Donald Trump wrong. They are like a 275 lbs. heavy weight boxer turned transgender woman; that gets mad when you mistakenly call "her"; Mister. XY equals Male which equals Him/He, and XX equals Female which equals Female which equals Her/She.
Again; this has got to stop; but the bigger question is why don't we; the people; decide to vote, by not watching certain news outlets, or buying their products and services. I personally have stopped watching CNN, CBS and NBC for news, but that's my personal decision. When in search of the truth on breaking news, I have to go to FoxNews, because they seem to present a more balanced view. But everyone has a decision to make on their own for the sake of their own sanity and peace of mind.
With Venezuela's situation getting worst and more and more Venezuelan people it seems are escaping and living in Curacao; they call it in some areas I am told, Little Caracas, and it wont be long before a 2nd generation Venezuelan becomes Prime Minister of Curacao, dependent on only the support of his comrades. Curacao maybe losing its identity slowly and surely!
But back to Kim and Vladimir's Summit, and North Korea and The Russian relationship brewing, which has a true toil on the backs of the Americans and those who are allies of America.
Freedom of Speech is guaranteed in The USA but being; unpatriotic should not be a "cry-baby's revenge" attitude. This is hurting everyone, and the very same thing that the news media is repelled by; maybe the very same thing that is repelling its viewers from watching their broadcast and hence to vote Trump for a second term.
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