By: JJosepha News
Willemstad, Curacao. Earlier this month Prime Minister of Curacao; Eugene Rhuggenaath; proposed a fifty (50%) increase in sales tax; as a means to increase revenue which is suppose to decrease the unbalanced budget differential.
Questions surfaced immediately on the budget, and the thought of what was going on, forced these comments to surfaced, but beyond the comments, I challenge any MP, or the PM; himself; to debate me on effective parliamentary budgeting; on what he proposed as a solution for the Curasaleno people; and on leading the country with a conscious for the people, not just his rich friends, but all of Curasalenos; young to old, Afro to Albino, White collar to Blue and brown collar, from the sick to the healthy, overweight to underweight and from the religious to the atheist or sacrilegious, let me hear from you if you have something better, then please send your email or comments on the JJosephaNews contact page.
a.) Under my administration, as I have campaigned on before; everyone who wants; should have the opportunity to study in areas that really benefit the country of Curacao, The Dutch Caribbean, The Caribbean, The Dutch Kingdom and globally.
Then; is it fair?
Is it Just?
Is it Equality?
Most persons over the age of 21 earn more than minimum wage amount and especially skilled labors or those with more than a high school diploma. So really how do we resolve that problem?
b.) Under my administration; as I have campaigned on before; if you are old enough to vote, then you are old enough to received your full salary! The government before me and the present have a youth salary deduction. I don't believe in that!
c.) Under my administration; as I have campaigned on before on educational reform, there will be fairness, open equality and educational opportunity to all. SSC needs to be realigned and the political polarity and discrimination that allegedly occurs needs to be addressed, investigated and resolved and all those showing "curry-favor" with interest to their friends or family should be investigated for corruption and government fraud.
SSC should be placed under the direct control of ministry of education with a parliamentary oversight committee and the legal nature of contract signing and obligations readdressed along greater supervision on management and budget spending.
I recall KdNT leader; Amparo Dos Santos trying to copy a page and idea of mines, from my 2017 election campaign; as a suggestion to reducing the budget. In addition; I recall how my out of the box thinking at that time was so negatively maligned by a certain news reporter who seemed was politically myopic, but that was the narrative that was given to be propagated, to disenfranchise and disinterest my supporters, followers and voters, and like a good "pet employee"; she repeated it probably without ever understanding it.
This sector alone represented approximately, a minimum total of about NAf. 61.73 per capita in savings.
I can only predict that only the greedy MP's and those corporate supporters, who make more money; having these type of MP's and their political parties in their back pockets, will ever voice their disagreements; with my suggestion of how to financially realign hit the reset button to good governance, fiscal responsibility and accountable leadership. So; when decisions are made about the people's interest, are they contrary to the corporate supporters? Chances indicate that they probably are!
Presently; it could be interpreted that Curacao has been in an "undulating recession" period, but this recently that has been upgraded to a state of idiopathic manic depression.
Furthermore; it is not a wise decision and it is incumbent upon the Kingdom to now step in and thru the cft to advise The Rhuggenaath's Government that; and inform the general public, that the Government's route is not the best way to lead the Curasaleno people out of the present financial turmoil, nor should the Government attempt to try to deceive The Dutch Kingdom with a fantasy story tale of a natural disaster of a humanitarian crisis by the Venezuelan Exodus. True enough this situation of The Venezuelan people seeking refuge in The ABC Dutch Caribbean Islands is a reality; but the greater question is who is in charge and in control of Curacao's border? Why are these instruments being paid large amount of funding to protect the borders if the result is still that the Curacao's International border seems to be profusely fully permeable to illegal immigration, drug and weapon trafficking and illegal poaching or fishing in Curacao's waters?
Questions surfaced immediately on the budget, and the thought of what was going on, forced these comments to surfaced, but beyond the comments, I challenge any MP, or the PM; himself; to debate me on effective parliamentary budgeting; on what he proposed as a solution for the Curasaleno people; and on leading the country with a conscious for the people, not just his rich friends, but all of Curasalenos; young to old, Afro to Albino, White collar to Blue and brown collar, from the sick to the healthy, overweight to underweight and from the religious to the atheist or sacrilegious, let me hear from you if you have something better, then please send your email or comments on the JJosephaNews contact page.
How does it feel knowing that as a manager of a company, you are being paid more money than your common labor? That is quite normal is it not? However; what if it was the common labor that voted for you to be a manager and it was not based entirely on your qualifications but the candidate's popularity? This is a prime symptom that something is dreadfully ill with our political, electoral and campaign system. But it seems that those in power are unwilling to fix it because, it seems that they themselves want to abuse and take advantages of the shortfalls and short comings. However:a.) Under my administration, as I have campaigned on before; everyone who wants; should have the opportunity to study in areas that really benefit the country of Curacao, The Dutch Caribbean, The Caribbean, The Dutch Kingdom and globally.
Then; is it fair?
Is it Just?
Is it Equality?
Most persons over the age of 21 earn more than minimum wage amount and especially skilled labors or those with more than a high school diploma. So really how do we resolve that problem?
b.) Under my administration; as I have campaigned on before; if you are old enough to vote, then you are old enough to received your full salary! The government before me and the present have a youth salary deduction. I don't believe in that!
c.) Under my administration; as I have campaigned on before on educational reform, there will be fairness, open equality and educational opportunity to all. SSC needs to be realigned and the political polarity and discrimination that allegedly occurs needs to be addressed, investigated and resolved and all those showing "curry-favor" with interest to their friends or family should be investigated for corruption and government fraud.
SSC should be placed under the direct control of ministry of education with a parliamentary oversight committee and the legal nature of contract signing and obligations readdressed along greater supervision on management and budget spending.
This sector alone represented approximately, a minimum total of about NAf. 61.73 per capita in savings.
I; openly challenge any MP or PM to invalidate this data, the hypothesis or postulations derived from these in an open debate!I can only predict that only the greedy MP's and those corporate supporters, who make more money; having these type of MP's and their political parties in their back pockets, will ever voice their disagreements; with my suggestion of how to financially realign hit the reset button to good governance, fiscal responsibility and accountable leadership. So; when decisions are made about the people's interest, are they contrary to the corporate supporters? Chances indicate that they probably are!
Rising prices regardless of sales volume, does not work and won't work!Presently; it could be interpreted that Curacao has been in an "undulating recession" period, but this recently that has been upgraded to a state of idiopathic manic depression.
Furthermore; it is not a wise decision and it is incumbent upon the Kingdom to now step in and thru the cft to advise The Rhuggenaath's Government that; and inform the general public, that the Government's route is not the best way to lead the Curasaleno people out of the present financial turmoil, nor should the Government attempt to try to deceive The Dutch Kingdom with a fantasy story tale of a natural disaster of a humanitarian crisis by the Venezuelan Exodus. True enough this situation of The Venezuelan people seeking refuge in The ABC Dutch Caribbean Islands is a reality; but the greater question is who is in charge and in control of Curacao's border? Why are these instruments being paid large amount of funding to protect the borders if the result is still that the Curacao's International border seems to be profusely fully permeable to illegal immigration, drug and weapon trafficking and illegal poaching or fishing in Curacao's waters?
The fact of the matter is; that the Venezuelan Exodus was not a natural disaster, that is probably classified as bad governmental management or mismanagement!
So; Minister of Finance, may find himself in trouble; like his colleague; former Minister of Economy Steven Martina.
Kenneth Gijsbertha can also check the Webster dictionary or contact John Hopkins University (JHU) professor on the course of "Humanitarian Crisis" to clarify what really is a Humanitarian Crisis.
Therefore; you see the idea of, "when the country is doing well, so the people should reap the rewards and benefits, and justifiably MP's salaries could reflect this retrospectively. There should always be a balance and equality. It's time that the MP's sacrifice for the good of the people and the country be stipulated as a mandatory requirement.
So; Minister of Finance, may find himself in trouble; like his colleague; former Minister of Economy Steven Martina.
Kenneth Gijsbertha can also check the Webster dictionary or contact John Hopkins University (JHU) professor on the course of "Humanitarian Crisis" to clarify what really is a Humanitarian Crisis.
Therefore; you see the idea of, "when the country is doing well, so the people should reap the rewards and benefits, and justifiably MP's salaries could reflect this retrospectively. There should always be a balance and equality. It's time that the MP's sacrifice for the good of the people and the country be stipulated as a mandatory requirement.
However; history has proven itself that very few if any; will say what needs to be done because, they are too busy probably thinking about themselves and their pockets and not on the people who voted to put them there in The Staten van Curacao!
These would reduce the expense and increase the savings, in addition to increasing the revenue scale. Will explain later if asked. These would reduce the expense and increase the savings, in addition to increasing the revenue scale. Will explain later if asked.
This equates to a total minimum NAf. 90M in additional Generation.
On there websites, they may talk about curasalenos receiving a government deduction for attending there schools, but that is one of the most flagrant lies, boasting the school.
Curacao needs to strategically partner with accredited off-shore medical schools that care about Curacao, its community and the health and public healthcare of the country.
Effectively and strategically partnering with the right type of offshore medical school entities can at minimum possibly double the estimated average contribution to Curacao national GDP bringing in about NAf. 40M (Guilders).
This equates to a total minimum NAf. 40M in Revenue.
B. = 100,000,000 Guilders
C. = 40,000,000 Guilders
Subtotal: 150,000,000 Guilders
That is about 150 Million Guilders derived without causing undue duress on the public. There is so much more, but I will stop here.
This is where one girl has 2, 3 or even more partners in Curacao and sleeps with them, the benefit is that the prostitute gets her various bills paid without the stigma nor charge of prostitution and all of this minus paying taxes. This represents a serious loss in taxes and when coupled with illegal immigrants taking jobs that Curasalenos would normally get, it exacerbates the problem.
Addressing this issues could generate another minimum excess of 5M Guilders.
In analyzing the situation, I realized that the amount of undocumented and documented Venezuelans or south Americans that venture into prostitution as a wage earnings, earn more than a Curasaleno working 40 hrs/wk at minimum wage. That is incredible!
Imagine, such a person, works probably one and a quarter hour a week getting 3 clients a day, working 5 days a week that is about a minimum of NAf. 375/Week.
A current approximation of a ratio of 1 to 2; legal to illegal Venezuelans in Curacao gives about 1/4 the population of Curacao. At this rate, the Afro-Curasaleno will become the minority in Curacao in 2 decades.
If only PM Rhuggenaath and his cabinet had thought about these things more wisely, they give evidence of why Netherlands need to supervise Curacao footsteps like a breastfeeding baby! waaa!! Waaaa!
My suggestion are the following reform policies that should be presented, debated and voted on for an immediate, positive, effective and efficient transition into a more productive Curacao and a more fruitful future for the Curasaleno population:- 1. Alternative Energy Employment Act [PL4ME-19] aka; "Pay Less For More Energy 2019"
- 2. Employment Encouragement Act [MiWa-20] aka; "Minimum Wage 2020"
- 3. Small Business Entrepreneurial Act [BYOB 20/20] aka; "Be Your Own Boss 2020"
- 4. Educational Encouragement Act [MQLC-10] aka; "More Quality Less Cost-10"
These would reduce the expense and increase the savings, in addition to increasing the revenue scale. Will explain later if asked. These would reduce the expense and increase the savings, in addition to increasing the revenue scale. Will explain later if asked.
This equates to a total minimum NAf. 90M in additional Generation.
At presently, the medical schools here in Curacao from a contribution perspective and social analysis, appears that they do not want Curasalenos in there schools, and that is from an analysis of the majority of the medical schools in Curacao.On there websites, they may talk about curasalenos receiving a government deduction for attending there schools, but that is one of the most flagrant lies, boasting the school.
Curacao needs to strategically partner with accredited off-shore medical schools that care about Curacao, its community and the health and public healthcare of the country.
Effectively and strategically partnering with the right type of offshore medical school entities can at minimum possibly double the estimated average contribution to Curacao national GDP bringing in about NAf. 40M (Guilders).
This equates to a total minimum NAf. 40M in Revenue.
A. = 10,000,000 GuildersB. = 100,000,000 Guilders
C. = 40,000,000 Guilders
Subtotal: 150,000,000 Guilders
That is about 150 Million Guilders derived without causing undue duress on the public. There is so much more, but I will stop here.
The fact is that a great majority of the illegals females and males that come into Curacao venture into illegal prostitution. "The Adapted Friends with Benefits Scheme", have obscured the prostitution in a pay for pleasure perspective in Curacao.This is where one girl has 2, 3 or even more partners in Curacao and sleeps with them, the benefit is that the prostitute gets her various bills paid without the stigma nor charge of prostitution and all of this minus paying taxes. This represents a serious loss in taxes and when coupled with illegal immigrants taking jobs that Curasalenos would normally get, it exacerbates the problem.
Addressing this issues could generate another minimum excess of 5M Guilders.
In analyzing the situation, I realized that the amount of undocumented and documented Venezuelans or south Americans that venture into prostitution as a wage earnings, earn more than a Curasaleno working 40 hrs/wk at minimum wage. That is incredible!
Imagine, such a person, works probably one and a quarter hour a week getting 3 clients a day, working 5 days a week that is about a minimum of NAf. 375/Week.
A current approximation of a ratio of 1 to 2; legal to illegal Venezuelans in Curacao gives about 1/4 the population of Curacao. At this rate, the Afro-Curasaleno will become the minority in Curacao in 2 decades.
Taking an analytical perspective on measurements shows sharp activity indicators. The most shocking are the following Activity Indicators:- Real GDP Income - Contracting
- Employment - Falling
- Unemployment - Increasing rapidly
- Manufacturing - Declining and about to drop even further.
- Retail Sales - Will be Dropping in volume
- Stock Market Activity - Slowing down
- Inflation Rates - Rising
- Credit Worthiness - Not Improving
- Period From: Rhuggenaath's step up to Minister of Economic Affairs, followed by PAR Leadership and then to Prime Minister of Curacao: Sharp, Caustic and possibly Pungent! A famous quote states; "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power..." .
There seems to be an inverse proportionality of those that voted for Rhuggenaath's and those that are doing well.- Healthcare - Expected to rise exponentially
- Population - Will decrease drastically from (sickness, Disease and Death, Murder + Migration)
- Corruption - Will Increase tremendously. The lawless will become the law-ruled
- Crime - Will Increases logarithmically
- The Government may be sued endlessly thereby affecting Tourism.
- The high cost of sales item and services - will make Curacao a place for the rich only and globally a non-destination Tourism hot spot.
If only PM Rhuggenaath and his cabinet had thought about these things more wisely, they give evidence of why Netherlands need to supervise Curacao footsteps like a breastfeeding baby! waaa!! Waaaa!
If anyone disagrees, please feel free to express yourself otherwise silence gives consent.
A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient
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