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Sunday, February 17, 2019



By: JJosepha News


Willemstad, Curacao. The Central General for Workers of Curacao (CGTC); and The Trade Union Centre of Curacao (SSK); trade unions, have called a meeting to discuss the Venezuelan humanitarian aid. The trade unions want to determine Curacao position and participation in the case to be the one assisting in providing humanitarian aid to Venezuela.
The trade unions seems to think that Curacao should not be in this position; because of the partnership and relationship that Curacao has with Venezuela; for more than a century and, that Curacao has with The United States; is a so called “thorn in the eye” of the trade unions.
Today the Unions have the intention to talk about Curacao’s solidarity towards Venezuela and the determination of the Curacao government by putting Curacao in this particular position.
Some reports said that the unions think that the United States is using Curacao and will get Curacao in a lot of problems with Venezuela and cause negative effects on the economy. The unions also think that the US is strategizing to use Curacao for a possible military action against the Nicolas Maduro government.


JJosepha News conduct a brief feedback survey, for a small representative sampling, and many curacao inhabitants believe that the Union workers are controlled or easily influenced by The fraction; Curacao Ruling Under Dutch Echelon Supporters; "CW-RUDES", aka “RUDS”, compared to the other half of the fraction, Curacao’s Anti-Netherlands Echelon Supporters, “CANES”, aka “CANS”. Therefore, the anti-US American talks and pro-Maduro supporters are normally and most obviously 2nd generation Isla Refinery Workers Children.
The fact may be that they have an invested interest, as well as an economical and financial compromised involvement. To name a few: The person with responsibility for The Isla Refinery, is the Prime Minister of Curacao, Eugene Rhuggenaath, reportedly his father worked for PDVSA hence The Isla Refinery and its accessory businesses. On the other end of the stick, the leader of the opposition in Curacao Parliament, himself worked at PDVSA & Isla Refinery and its companies and he is reportedly a loyal Isla Refinery supporter.
So therefore, will anything ever be done with the Isla Refinery? The simple answer is probably not! If leaders in top positions mentioned above; are compromised and feel a sense of obligation to those of PDVSA over the concern and best will, wishes and future of the citizens of Curacao, then no nothing will never improve..


We must understand that the unions as organizations, are and must be apolitical and non-political in its nature, however; Curasalenos are individuals, not robots, and therefore have feelings, they are impressionable and are impressed with wants and needs.
However; Curasalenos are no longer slaves physically, but still the hereditary impotence that “white is right”, imparts a stereotypical psychological genre that still dates back to a time when Jewish businessmen insured the Dutch ships that legally trafficked human cargo that were kidnapped from the African regions and brought to Curacao, the hub for the slave triangle in trans shipment to other places, such as Brasil, USA, Venezuela, Cuba and Jamaica.

It is worthy to note that, the strongest and best of slaves, that survived and recuperated in Curacao were then sold off as cattle by the white enslavers to the highest bidders. For the most part, only the weaker or weakest and sick or ill of those remained as slaves in Curacao. Research suggest that this was just how the rulers of the colony may have wanted situations in Curacao, since any uprise from a weak slave community would be able to be squashed immediately by greater firearm force. However with the works and discoveries in agriculture and the coffee market’s different cultivars also may have lead or created the significant use of the distinction of the species, Laraha, and the effects of creating docility among the male slaves. More than evidently, this genetically hidden subversive submissive gene survived in the Curasaleno gene pool. Therefore; this may explain the “white is right” mentality so often noticed in explaining the acceptance of the reasoning of the white Euro-Dutch citizen over the Afro-Caribbean-Dutch citizen to Afro-curasalenos.


A 16th century cliche; “A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient…”. In this daily, JJosepha News exclusively outlined and reported in a previous article, that Stef Blok commissioned that Curacao will be used as a logistic Hub, much like in history how Curacao was used as a Transshipment Hub-spot for the slave triangle. Secondly; regardless what Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath thinks, says or try to influence or tries to garner support from the unions or not, it is insignificant unimportant for Netherlands; apparently mother Netherlands have made her decision. Netherlands has the constitutional high ground as it relates to foreign policy, and the Judicial branch. Furthermore Netherlands is in control of the country’s purse and especially so in the face of bad financial management aka bad or corrupt governance.

Secondly, due to the global oil dynamics and “The Black Gold“ trade metrics, Netherlands would not be relatively happy nor interested in Russia gaining any further traction or foothold in PDVSA and hence Isla Refinery. Therefore, along, comes The USA and Donald Trump Venezuelan policies, with intelligence report possibly outline Russia’s partnership in setting up Venezuela and China to maintain the Trump-N-Putin Super power strategy, by breaking down Venezuela from the inside-out.

Thirdly, did Netherlands have a choice in their decision against the USA Trump super power? So to quickly explain a basic point why the unions anti-USA and Pro-Maduro support trade union workers are more than likely erroneously misinformed and therefore more than likely may just be sacrificial political pawns that have been impressed or influenced to say and repeat a certain ideological point that maybe baseless or foundation-less, hence the parameter of, “white is right”. So therefore; it rises the logical point; who is selling-out or who is trying to buy-in? Curacao’s leadership may sign the 2019 renewal lease of PDVSA & Isla Refinery, as well as; Curacao’s leadership allowed FATCA to continue and fully operate reigning its international statue power in Curacao. Now the Key Indicating Dynamics; “KID”, is the Court’s ruling in favor of Conocophillips. The US multinational energy corporation headquartered in Texas, to Curacao’s dismay, they possibly can affect a judgement and hence become possibly the new owners of PDVSA/Isla Refinery. Freedom of speech should always be held paramount but, any one of these pro-Maduro union workers or a grouping of them could be interpreted and labelled as saboteur and would probably be the first to be let go with justifiable reasons especially if unexplainable explosions occur at the plant, and therefore become unemployed without the scale-able benefits of workers compensation. The moral of the story; “DON’T BE A PAWN, THINK TWICE BEFORE WALKING ONTO AN ICED OVER POND”.

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