By: JJosepha News
Willemstad, Curacao. Now, because every author likes to be above reproach, let me openly share this excerpt, which in the first frame seems contra-productive but it is the aim of this commentary/discussion is to present a fair and composite approach
I would say that there initial lesson has been well learnt and only time will tell, but again; I stress that this position says absolutely nothing about the individual members of parliament and their effectivity, responsivity and efficiency, for that I advise you to read, "The Efficiency and Proficiency of The Autonomous Curacao's Parliamentary Budgetary Process during Pre-election Period" by Josefina Josepha.
I make this statement, that if any had bother to challenge or question what this position, well, the fact was there in plain sight.
The following is an excerpt from Transparency International (TI) :
"...Transparency International’s Curaçao National Integrity System assessment clearly shows that although the legislative framework is fairly strong on the island, there are some considerable gaps between law and practice in many areas, such as the Parliament and the Executive. In numerous cases, existing legislation is not applied consistently in practice, and those who are responsible for the execution of the laws, or are required to comply with them, do not always know how to do so. This is particularly true with regards to transparency, where much of the information which is legally required to be made public, such as implementation reports, personnel decisions, and other administrative decisions, are not consistently or systematically published..."
When we hear the expressed dissatisfaction of a population towards their members of parliament in their Capacity:Performance Ratio according to "The JJ Legislative Grading Classification System" (from part 1), then as citizens and voters we must entrench that memory and engrain those experiences and save them for the next time that those members of parliament and or their political parties come knocking at the doors giving away free shirts and anything else. However, just like Micheal Jackson's song "Remember The Time", we too must remember the time and then you can decide to accept their gifts , that's on your own conscience but how you vote well now that's on the conscience of the whole country of whether we all parish in "Fire" and increase torture and hard life or we flourish in paradise, with lower taxes and unemployment and higher wages and National GDP.
Let me utter; but don't let them sweet talk you, entice you or intimidate you, because when you get in the voting booth; you must decide to endure a battered faulty unhealthy relationship with your representative or not and vote your conscience, for the good of you as an individual and for you as a group and citizen of this great country we call Curacao. However if that relationship of voter:MP is good and fine well then the decision becomes easier, but don't stop looking for the best.
We the people will determine who represents us in the 3rd Staten van Curacao, and there is an old saying:
"Fool me once shame on you,
Fool me twice shame on me,
Fool me a third time and,
you don't get to fool anyone again".
Sad to say, just like vampires, Transparency International can only be invited in to do their assessment, in accordance to their bylaws/standing orders, they just can't show up and enter the country and do the assessment on their own free will!
However just recently Transparency International had expressed a desire to in accordance to practicing good governance, do a follow-up on the situation and status of Curacao.
Please, for some that may read this EXCELLENT Dissertation on Gap C:P Ratio in Curacao, don't get confused I am not saying Vampires exist, that's just irony and sarcasm.
Therefore, to respond to the over 175 page document on Transparency and the Pillars of Good Governance contra my position that of a very slight remote difference exist but not a gap in the Capacity to Performance ratio of Our members of Parliament in the 2nd Staten van Curacao. I shall clarify one simple point to cement my answer that in Curacao no such "gap" but a slight difference exist between the real budgetary powers of legislature and the powers legislators exercise in practice.
I defend this point in stating that the TI assessment was conducted in 2012 during the Ex-Prime Minister Schotte's Administration whom presently serves in Parliament today and was release approximately a year thereafter, thus some believe contributing to and provoking the topple of the Schotte's Administration, and the raise of the "Wiel
ian" Era inCuracao's history with an immediate impact against corruption and Capacity:Performance ratio in Good Governance.
It is therefore the post-Transparency International assessment era that my answer to gap disparity targets, which is the 2014/2015 to 2015/2016 session even though a majority of the same MP's with the same personality may exist but not in the same power of the majority to rule and not with the same behaviour of un-accountability that there actions can go unnoticed, especially when the weeding out process still continues. Just recently there was the change in the Prime Minister, in addition some interesting court cases for some MP's and still some more to go.
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