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Sunday, August 9, 2020




Reading Time: [ 1:00 ] min.
By: JJosephaNews
Twitter: @JJosephaNews
CAN PARLIAMENT HANDLE IT?... Reading Time: [ 1:00 ] min. By: JJosephaNews Twitter: @JJosephaNews     Willemstad, Curacao. Friday August 7th 2020, the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao, got to experience separation of powers and much more in court.   COURT DECISION  In the lawsuit of Shaheen Elhage against: The Country of Curacao, Parliament, Government and 20 parliament members, the Court took the decision to leave the rights and the power to Curacao parliament to solve the dilemma for Shaheen Elhage to become member of parliament.  Among other things, the judge saw the case which took place in Curacao Parliament Room (building), as a waste of time and money because parliament must deal with their own matters.  The Parliamentarians got the opportunity to bring their own points of view in the case. The verdict will no longer be on the 10th of August but on the 12th of August. Because, Parliamentarian Marilyn Moses was asked if she would contribute to form a quorum to pass the credentials of Shaheen Elhage to become a member of parliament, but Moses expressed that she got clarity in this case and need to deliberate her decision with political party members and supporters to see what she would do next on the 11th of August. On the 11th of August the President of Parliament will call a meeting to see if a quorum can be form and past Shaheen Elhage's credentials so he can become a member of parliament as well.  The judge asked each parliamentarians the following: if they believe if the judge can take a decision in this case? what other thing can Mr. Elhage do so he can enter parliament?  They were supose to be 20 parliamentarians, but, Mr. Juniel Carolina (MFK) wasn't present and Mrs. Gisette Seferina (PAR) came late to the case which she indicated before hand.  What came forward in deferent occasions is the separation of powers in Curacao. Where The Justice department in this case the judge can't determine what the Legislation body must do. This because some people were asking if this can be the case, where the judge can make a decision for parliament. In court room, Lawyer Bonapart expressed that for him, now, it is the case, where the judge must be able to take a decision if not via the governor for Netherlands to come in(grijp in). The judge said the he/she think that Parliament themselves need to do what they must do so that Mr. Elhage can go in so there can be continuation with things that need to take place, like meetings ets.   SHAHEEN LAWYER: MICHAEL BONAPART      In an interview Bonapart stated: "I believe that we got to the position, where the Governor by the Ground of the Statues and Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie) need to make a call to Netherlands. What Bonapart meant with that? She call the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksminister raad) and Probably (Waarschijnlijk) she will say that the Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie) will come in demand (aanbod) and the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksminister raad) needs the decided on the Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie). Arikel 124 and 126 also came forward, Bonapart sated: The judge correctly said that it is on all time can you can take discharge (ontslag) (referred to Marilyn Alcala Walle giving up her post in Parliament), by the appointed member of parliament (benoemde staten lid) and the position that some members of Parliament took, that article 126 counts, the judge said that article 126 isn't relevant. And, we agree with that stand point (stand punt), it depends if it is doom (vonnis), but maybe the doom (vonnis) won't come because, the judge postponed its doom (vonnis) when Mrs. Moses said she will try to take a decision (to take part in Parliament).   LAWYER PETERSON  The lawyer for KDN and the other members of The Opposition in Parliament: Mr. Peterdon said that he expected the direction where court went because "the Judge understood that there is a separation of power and that the court feels that the ice would be in their feed if they intervene (mete) in this matter."  According to Mr. Peterson, these are the reason on why Mr. Dos Santos, Mr. Rojer and Mr. Cordoba do not participate in Parliament meetings: "If you look here on this list, they are all the acts of corruption and bad management that were in Curacao for the last 30 years, since PAR took power about in the 90's (nineties)." "If you look down, you see that you can reach to a total sum of malversation and bad management for a sum of almost 6.6 billion guilders." "Apart from this, again, we have a national debt of 3.5 billion guilders." "Apart from this, our general control aganecy (kontrolaria general) stipulated and determined that in the numbers (sifras) from the government there is a hole of 4 billion." "Adding up there is a doubt of 6 billion." "If you calculate all of this, you get 20 billion together." "And, who is responsible for it?" "The people who pretend that we ourselves can't do things." "So, in reality, when you are in a situation, where you yourself can't do something, you need to move and let the person who can do it, do it, and do go and gave in you country to someone else, for a bag of money, the same way as 10-10-10, where you lied to them that you will fill their fridges, now you want to try again fill them with a bag of money."  Peterson commented on Mrs. Alcala Walle, stating: "In the case of Alcala Walle she gave up her seat in 2017 and now for her to just have it in a circle she come back and take the seat once more, that is against the law." "A parliament that does that, is corrupt."  "Apart from that, the list I gave,you see there are different things that the actual parliament created the big losses for Curacao and they do it based on, as they brought it forward a lot of time today, they are just an elastic (rubber stem), you tell them to say A, they say A, if you tell them to say Z, they will say Z and his (Elhage) lawyer said that he find that he (Elhage) is a member of parliament aspirant (aspirant) and what I told him is that, according to me he (Elhage) want to become a crook (oplichter) like the others and in between he did not become one, he (Elhage) is an aspirant."  It was reported that Mr. Peterson said: "in 2007 also the President of Parliament empaired the sewaring in prosses because the apoval of the credentials, and was said that they were falsified."   PARLIAMENT PRESIDENT: ANA MARIA PAULETTA According to Parliament president: Ana Maria Pauletta the members of opposition came with other arguments on why they aren't going to meetings, she stated: "Today, I heard a group using differed arguments." "A group were constantly dancing when the judge bring an argument forward and clear the argument, all of sudden (diripiente) an other argument come out on why they don't come to meetings." "I believe that became clear (duidelijk) in this case and also for the judge, that the arguments that are being brought forward, do not square (no ta kuadra) and it isn't justify to keep Mr. Elhage out (of parliament)." "I heard a parliamentarian and a lawyer saying that the 10 member of parliament are in protest (welga)." "And, I, as the people's representative, not only as the president of parliament, find it very regrettable that in court today we hear that 10 parliamentarian are in protest but they still get a salary from the people." "In my opinion, the regalement of order (reglamentu di ordu) and the decency of a parliamentarian is that, you do complete (kumpli) with the swearing (huramentashon) that you made." "And if today you dare (durf) in room, a court room, that you are protesting, then that is a slap in the face of all the voters in Curacao."       To read more from JJosephaNews:  Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel  Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Stay tuned for  more news @JJosephaNews!      ©2020 JJosephaNews. All rights reserved.

Willemstad, Curacao. Friday August 7th 2020, the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao, got to experience separation of powers and much more in court.

In the lawsuit of Shaheen Elhage against: The Country of Curacao, Parliament, Government and 20 parliament members, the Court took the decision to leave the rights and the power to Curacao parliament to solve the dilemma for Shaheen Elhage to become member of parliament.

Among other things, the judge saw the case which took place in Curacao Parliament Room (building), as a waste of time and money because parliament must deal with their own matters.

The Parliamentarians got the opportunity to bring their own points of view in the case.
The verdict will no longer be on the 10th of August but on the 12th of August.
Because, Parliamentarian Marilyn Moses was asked if she would contribute to form a quorum to pass the credentials of Shaheen Elhage to become a member of parliament, but Moses expressed that she got clarity in this case and need to deliberate her decision with political party members and supporters to see what she would do next on the 11th of August.
On the 11th of August the President of Parliament will call a meeting to see if a quorum can be form and past Shaheen Elhage's credentials so he can become a member of parliament as well.

The judge asked each parliamentarians the following:
if they believe if the judge can take a decision in this case?
what other thing can Mr. Elhage do so he can enter parliament?

They were supose to be 20 parliamentarians, but, Mr. Juniel Carolina (MFK) wasn't present and Mrs. Gisette Seferina (PAR) came late to the case which she indicated before hand.

What came forward in deferent occasions is the separation of powers in Curacao.
Where The Justice department in this case the judge can't determine what the Legislation body must do.
This because some people were asking if this can be the case, where the judge can make a decision for parliament.
In court room, Lawyer Bonapart expressed that for him, now, it is the case, where the judge must be able to take a decision if not via the governor for Netherlands to come in(grijp in).
The judge said the he/she think that Parliament themselves need to do what they must do so that Mr. Elhage can go in so there can be continuation with things that need to take place, like meetings ets.

In an interview Bonapart stated:
"I believe that we got to the position, where the Governor by the Ground of the Statues and Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie) need to make a call to Netherlands.
What Bonapart meant with that?
She call the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksminister raad) and Probably (Waarschijnlijk) she will say that the Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie) will come in demand (aanbod) and the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksminister raad) needs the decided on the Guarantee of Function (Waarborg Functie).
Arikel 124 and 126 also came forward, Bonapart sated:
The judge correctly said that it is on all time can you can take discharge (ontslag) (referred to Marilyn Alcala Walle giving up her post in Parliament), by the appointed member of parliament (benoemde staten lid) and the position that some members of Parliament took, that article 126 counts, the judge said that article 126 isn't relevant.
And, we agree with that stand point (stand punt), it depends if it is doom (vonnis), but maybe the doom (vonnis) won't come because, the judge postponed its doom (vonnis) when Mrs. Moses said she will try to take a decision (to take part in Parliament).

The lawyer for KDN and the other members of The Opposition in Parliament: Mr. Peterdon said that he expected the direction where court went because "the Judge understood that there is a separation of power and that the court feels that the ice would be in their feed if they intervene (mete) in this matter."

According to Mr. Peterson, these are the reason on why Mr. Dos Santos, Mr. Rojer and Mr. Cordoba do not participate in Parliament meetings:
"If you look here on this list, they are all the acts of corruption and bad management that were in Curacao for the last 30 years, since PAR took power about in the 90's (nineties)."
"If you look down, you see that you can reach to a total sum of malversation and bad management for a sum of almost 6.6 billion guilders."
"Apart from this, again, we have a national debt of 3.5 billion guilders."
"Apart from this, our general control aganecy (kontrolaria general) stipulated and determined that in the numbers (sifras) from the government there is a hole of 4 billion."
"Adding up there is a doubt of 6 billion."
"If you calculate all of this, you get 20 billion together."
"And, who is responsible for it?"
"The people who pretend that we ourselves can't do things."
"So, in reality, when you are in a situation, where you yourself can't do something, you need to move and let the person who can do it, do it, and do go and gave in you country to someone else, for a bag of money, the same way as 10-10-10, where you lied to them that you will fill their fridges, now you want to try again fill them with a bag of money."

Peterson commented on Mrs. Alcala Walle, stating:
"In the case of Alcala Walle she gave up her seat in 2017 and now for her to just have it in a circle she come back and take the seat once more, that is against the law."
"A parliament that does that, is corrupt."

"Apart from that, the list I gave,you see there are different things that the actual parliament created the big losses for Curacao and they do it based on, as they brought it forward a lot of time today, they are just an elastic (rubber stem), you tell them to say A, they say A, if you tell them to say Z, they will say Z and his (Elhage) lawyer said that he find that he (Elhage) is a member of parliament aspirant (aspirant) and what I told him is that, according to me he (Elhage) want to become a crook (oplichter) like the others and in between he did not become one, he (Elhage) is an aspirant."

It was reported that Mr. Peterson said: "in 2007 also the President of Parliament empaired the sewaring in prosses because the apoval of the credentials, and was said that they were falsified."

According to Parliament president: Ana Maria Pauletta the members of opposition came with other arguments on why they aren't going to meetings, she stated:
"Today, I heard a group using differed arguments."
"A group were constantly dancing when the judge bring an argument forward and clear the argument, all of sudden (diripiente) an other argument come out on why they don't come to meetings."
"I believe that became clear (duidelijk) in this case and also for the judge, that the arguments that are being brought forward, do not square (no ta kuadra) and it isn't justify to keep Mr. Elhage out (of parliament)."
"I heard a parliamentarian and a lawyer saying that the 10 member of parliament are in protest (welga)."
"And, I, as the people's representative, not only as the president of parliament, find it very regrettable that in court today we hear that 10 parliamentarian are in protest but they still get a salary from the people."
"In my opinion, the regalement of order (reglamentu di ordu) and the decency of a parliamentarian is that, you do complete (kumpli) with the swearing (huramentashon) that you made."
"And if today you dare (durf) in room, a court room, that you are protesting, then that is a slap in the face of all the voters in Curacao." 

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