During an interview, Curacao former Minister of Administration, Planning and Services and former Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports; Mr. Carlos Monk, made shocking declarations regarding the law of exception that the Eugene Rhuggenaath PAR-MAN coalition government want to introduce after today's parliament 2nd session.
According to Carlos Monk; "The societal class that we have now, is no longer sustainable."
He also stated that Curacao has different classes by stating; "Our society is simply a stair, where you have as an example, the white class which naturally is those with the colonial class. And under that class, you have the class that we call the "black jet set", in there, you have the politicians in here, as an example there is the consultants that walks like parasites behind the government and behind the politics. In here, there are the professionals like notaries, lawyers and accountants that put themselves available to create structure and to legalize a robbery (looting), a looting in our country for a long time and to also break social structures as well."
Monk also stated; "Under this, there is the class of workers, the middle class, where you can not expect, let us say, the firm part to bring change in our country because they have a lot to loose, among other things a mortgage in loan at the bank, totally in debt.
Under that class, you have a working class, that does not have any, but any syndicate sustain. And under these 4 classes, there is one more class. That is the class of those that were excluded totally out of all the process of the social democratic of our community."
Monk also said; "At the moment that the lowest class in our society, the ones that were excluded from all social process in the country, that simply weak up to see how they will survive that day. This class, when it gets up, there is any, but any instrument or structure of dialogs that can neutralize it and we saw that also 2 to 3 months ago, how this class rose up and did destabilize the entire structure part of our countries security.
And, this law (the law of exception) is made up specially to create temporary state of exception that can become permanent to neutralize the low class that already become the majority in our country. Because in there, there is also unemployed people and the unemployment went up at 40 thousand and 5 thousand people, that is practically a 50 percent (50%) of our population that is unemployed that will fall in this class at the lowest, that will not belong to any class.
And they will form part also in those who can really form a revolution in our country. What we call the revolutionary subject (in papiamentu; sugeto revolushonario) is no longer the workingmen, is no longer the working class and is simply those that have nothing and it is the majority.
And the system know that at the moment that they become a majority and the moment that they truly form a revolution there will not be any dialogs instruments, there will be nothing to buy them out because they have nothing they have nothing to loose. A person that does not have a job, its kids do not go to school, there is nothing to eat, do not have anything to loose, it just want a structure Change, it wants a radical change, to be the next day at work. To live a dignifying life. That is why this law was made as well. To maintain, to create a state of exception, when is necessary to be able to neutralize, restructure and correct the lowest class in a submissiveness form, that became now the majority in our society. And it is visible everywhere. And this, you need to relate it naturally with the law that is coming here. That the Rhuggenaath Cabinet signed which is the country package plan (in dutch; landenpakket) which is the OHO."
According to Monk with this law, as he reference the colonial white class and the "black jet set" class, he said; "We will see the privatization of our public entities, here we speak of appropriation of properties, of the people's properties who will go in to the white class with capital among others the Dutch, the majority of them will purchase and develop a lot of our properties."
He also express; "A tsunami will come, what you can call a tsunami of privatization in a massive scale where you will see all the properties that we have, will go in hands of others, where Curasalenos will stay with nothing."
He went further saying; "The fact that we were weakend socially, financially during 20 years, it means that when this plan passes we will no longer have a foundation, and those that have nothing left, the chances for them to rebel is 90 to 100 percent.
And this law will enter in a permanent state, where, practically you will have a dictatorship, not to dominate the officials (government workers) because the officials will do nothing, those working at the refinery the other class of workers that earn 5 to 6 thousand untill now, they will just sit and watch what will happen in your country but they are not a revolutionary subject."
Monk went further stating; "The lower class, when the country package plan be implemented by 3 Dutch in Netherlands and you can tell me what ever you want, but, Netherlands will impose this because it will become a Statute Law (in Dutch; Rijkswet) also!
At the moment that the lowest class start rebelling, then the state of exception will come! "
Punctuating Monk expressed; "What they are building at Wakawa area right now is a type of Guantanamo, where all the rebellious once, all of those that do not agree will find a place there as well.
So, it is a prelude for a permanent and structural state of exception!"
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