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Monday, July 15, 2019



By: JJosepha News

Willemstad, Curacao. Curacao government have received a budgetary instruction to drastically reduce the expected financial deficit for 2019 of more than 100 million Netherlands Antilles guilders from the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Netherlands).

Curacao government will get the Netherlands support, based on a Growth Strategy accord signed.

The Growth Strategy will help Curacao's;

  • 1) financial management,
  • 2) stimulation of the economy.

Apparently the Curacao government is filing the Crown Appeal (an objection) with the Council of State against the Kingdom Council of Ministers instruction.

It was reported that the Curacao plenipotentiary Minister in The Hague; Anthony Begina (Political Party: PAR), believed that Curacao Government was able to do this without the Kingdom Council of Ministers instruction.

A month ago, the Dutch government was already about to issue financial instructions to The Curacao government; prime-ministered by Eugene Rhuggenaath, but Curacao's Prime Minister; Eugene Rhuggenaath then took a plane and travelled to The Hague (Netherlands) and managed to delay this decision by three weeks. 

Some alleged that the three (3) week delay came about possibly because of a lot of grovelling, begging and pleading that was un-prime-ministerial as a leader.

During that delay period, Curacao government was supposed to have presented a package of reforms and austerity measures that would make an instruction from the Kingdom Council of Ministers unnecessary.

After the Curacao government was unable to deliver a package of reforms and austerity measures a decision was again postponed by one week for more consultations about the package that apparently gave the Dutch government insufficient confidence to abandon the financial instruction altogether.

The ruling majority which makes up the Government-of-the-Day believes that the economical situation on the island is partly due to the crisis in Venezuela and believes that a cooperation agreement between Curacao and the Netherlands would have been sufficient enough to weather the economical storm.

The ruling majority, which makes up the Government-of-the-Day believes that the Committee for Financial Supervision (CFT) should have deviated from their financial advised on instruction.

It was reported that the situation may be the same as that in 2012, when a financial instruction was issued for The Schotte Cabinet, but the Dutch Prime Minister; Mark Rutte, and State Secretary for Kingdom Relations; Raymond Knops, said that the instruction should not be viewed as distrusting the Curacao government and that the situation is different than that of 2012.

“If there were no confidence, we would not be making mutual arrangements. We have good relations with the Curacao government, but there is also a Kingdom Financial Supervision Law that must be applied, and good reasons are needed to deviate from the CFT’s advice. We disagree over this, but that does not stand in the way of our cooperation,”.

Allegedly, Raymond Knops, believes that the Growth Strategy is more important than the instruction. He stated that; “In the end it’s about growing the economy and creating jobs, because the unemployment is much too high,”.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) claimed that, compared to a year ago, Curasaleno's life on the Island has become almost three percent (3%) more expensive.

A salina resident named Sanjay responded; "Absolutely CBS is correct in their statement that compared to 1 year ago, Curasaleno's life on the island has become almost 3% more expensive, for us rich people, so only allah knows how much more expensive it has become for the rest of the majority of the people?".

Another resident; from Banda Ariba stated; "Do you really know what the abbreviation; CBS really stands for? Well let me tell you, "Curacao B.S."! It's is embarrassing that among the world of statistics and data gathering; the people that work at CBS do not question some of the things that come out of their own national department of apparently facts and truth to increase the average man's knowledge; seems increasingly difficult".
The Banda Ariba residents continued; "If CBS says life on the island has only become 3% more expensive compared to last year, then they should be embarrassed and should be called out to prove such alleged fallacies and such an apparent bold face falsehood. Think about it, and have your readers think about it, that unemployment about 6 months ago was about 13% and now you said CBS quoted unemployment at above 21% that means about 8% of the labor force is now out of work and that is at least 6,000 additional people that are not working and can't get a job or haven't found a job yet. When you add it all together it just doesn't add up and make sense".
The Banda Ariba resident further stated that; "Now, with Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath and his type of "black magic" leadership style, "voodoo type economy" and un-PAR political party some of the poorest Caribbean countries have a greater employment rate than Curacao. I think CBS needs to do better as a national statistics department and just put forth the calculations along with the formulas  to these calculations, so we as a people can measure apples with apples and oranges versus oranges."

However; in May 2019, electricity, gasoline, water, food and living expense became more expensive in Curacao, and Curacao's chief data analysis reported that life has only gotten 3% more expensive!

The unemployment rate on Curacao has risen to an "Un-PAR level" of twenty one percent (21%).
It is an increase of over 6,000 people, on Curacao there are now around 15,000 people without a job. Surprisingly; the Curacao CBS does not report the reason for the increase.

However; many and a majority of Curasalenos believe that Eugene Rhuggenaath and his political party; PAR along with Hensley Koeiman and his political party MAN and Suzy Camelia-Romer and PIN, failed policies and poor leadership are reasons to never vote for them ever again, according to a large majority of individuals interviewed. 

One young individual said, "these 3 people Rhuggenaath, Koeiman and Suzy Camelia-Romer and their political parties PAR, MAN and PIN are selling out the country of Curacao back into the hands of the Netherlands and back into slavery and recolonization, this time they will do us worst than they did Sint Statia!" Plus these people can't manage or plan a balanced budget and the MP's can't and don't add any oversight and control, and then Eugene Rhuggenaath crying and begging for Netherlands not to issue financial instructions yet them the governments want more control over more money, the then put the country further into greater debt with a larger deficit".

The young female university student continued; "our entire business class blames minister Zita Jesus-Leito; for first appointing Eugene Rhuggenaath as minister of economy, and then being weak enough as a leader of PAR to actually lose her leadership to him and to help sell the idea that PM Eugene Rhuggenaath actually knew about leadership and knew anything about standing up for anyone who was not east indian or homosexual. In Curacao, Afro-Curasalenos are the highest unemployed sector and the Dutch and European-Curasalenos have the lowest unemployment rate, while I do believe that the illegal immigrants from elsewhere and Venezuela have the highest employment index".

Currently; Curacao appears to have the highest unemployment rate in the Entire Western Hemisphere after Venezuela; which is currently at 44.3%; including the western 3rd World Countries, like Haiti; with 13.4%.

Curacao has reached a historic number in unemployment in less than a decade and maybe the highest it has ever been before race based system of slavery was abolished in Curacao in 1863, where there were approximately 5,500 slaves. 

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