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Thursday, April 11, 2019



By JJosepha News

Willemstad, Curacao. The US president had a tweet that is getting the world upside down. Democrats were questioning Attorney General; Bill Barr,  for testifying on Wednesday that federal authorities had spied on the Donald Trump campaign during the 2016, US Presidential Elections. It was reported that apparently a House Democrat is charging that, AG Barr; is not acting "in the best interest of the DOJ nor the country."

This was the US president tweet about the famous Robert Mueller Report: 
"So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump, that there was No Collusion with Russia. In fact, it was an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start. I fought back hard against this Phony and Treasonous Hoax!"

One Curacao businessman in Punda, commented: "Donald Trump should calm down before he gives the Democrats a 2020 win." "He tweet all type of stuff, at times it doesn't help his case!"
Another Punda, Curacao businessman; of Surinamese/East Indian descendant commented, "We have got to understand that, if you do not agree with the democrats, then they label you as a liar and a crazy angry mad man. How many times have you heard of MAGA followers attacking Democrats? Probably, never, but you always hear of the Democrats lying on the MAGA followers, accusing MAGA followers of hate crimes, when in actuality it is them exercising real hate crimes for their own motives; I read your article on Jussie Smollett; what a shame!" 
The businessman continued; "I saw it on CNN, a democrat leaked a confidential report about Chrissy Ford, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape, was apparently and completely figuratively raped by the democratic party. She was used for their own motives and then threw away by the political roadside when they were finished with her. 
But; Brett Kavanaugh needs to sue Chrissy for everything she has and will have and more, because; for what she did to accuse him falsely and not having the courage enough to apologize to Brett but just go with the democratic flow, probably just like Micheal Cohen! 
Justice Brett Kavanaugh should not sue Chrissy Ford because he is a supreme court Justice, but Justice Brett Kavanaugh should sue Chrissy Ford on behalf of all the young and old men who are wrongly  and intentionally accused unjustly and those who will be accused unjustly and unfairly by women like her
At some point women have got to stop lying on men. I believe that most of these people are democrat leftists, and it seems that they are the principle ones trying to make sure that men feel less than who and what they are and they are truly worth; and that they are always apologizing." 
The businessman further explained; "A good example, is the feminist movement; #metoo; for a good example look at how, those 2 women attacked "Senator Flakey"; because they were allegedly sexually assaulted or rape by someone, so therefore; the Senator should not vote in favor of Kavanaugh, and CNN was right there or had the coverage to get all of it! I am 100% sure Brett Kavanaugh had nothing to do with either of those 2 latina women being assaulted, however they felt that they were empowered and entitled to attack that man like that and in that manner? That smelt like a planned political character assassination but what is the democratic party doing to ensure that this type of intimidation does not continue? Absolutely nothing! Why because it seems that it serves their political agenda. The democrats are showing that they are nothing more than a "Bully" and America doesn't like Bullies! Any of those 2 latina women that day could have had a gun or a cup of acid in there cup and in during their mental discharge, decided they could shot him, throw acid on him, stab him with a knife or throw hot scolding coffee on him. Those were real life possibilities that could have happened and Senator Flakes should probably have fired the female aides; that was accompanying him to the elevator, because it seemed that they lead him to the "political slaughter house."
Secondly; look at the LGBTQ movement, it is completely feminized, even the men or use to be men have been given a a second place; a backseat on the name of the community; instead of men being the head; he is the tail in that community and it seems that they will shame men into accepting that role or enforce them to promote the female agenda as Primary one. Look, it says; (L) Lesbian - women who love women; like a man should. (G) Gays - men who love men; like a woman should. (B) Bisexuals - women loving both women and men; as well as men loving both men and women. (T) Transsexuals; women who "think" they are men and therefore want everyone else in the world to recognize them as such; and the same for men who "think" they are women and therefore want everyone else in the world to recognize them as such. 
I believe a large percentage of them (transsexuals) are "mentals" and they (transsexuals) want you to tolerate and accept their mentality; as a person about their sexuality, and then project that mentality back onto them and therefore to the world, hence making you also an accomplice to their unreal or perverse mentality of themselves and their entire community of friends, hence making you almost as equally mental. (Q) Queers are similar to transsexuals, except they want you to tolerate and accept their mentality, as anything other than a person in reference to their sexuality. I think they are "mentals" at a different degree, and they probably kill themselves/commit suicide less because, they can re-associate themselves back to reality without the need for mass tolerance and acceptance. You see I have just educated your readers!   
For this reason I approve of Biden's stance, that's why I like Biden, he shouldn't apologize; because he said he didn't do anything wrongful. This is a prime example of Gender of Inequality, why shouldn't he be believed?" For almost two years the House Democrats claimed Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians to explain why Hillary Clinton lost the election. The Mueller report showed that Trump and his Campaign did not collude with Russia, but the democrats aren't happy with that. It all seems like a narrative from a political conspiracy theory, that the democrats probably spun like Rumpelstiltskin, but we all hope Attorney General Bill Barr discovers who was at the center and origin of it all. I will wager all of my stores and say it might be reach as far back as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and "their posse", Donna BrazilDebbie Wasserman Schultz and even Barack Obama; but in the former presidents's case we would have to probably wait 25 years to find out the truth!
[JJosepha News believes in the freedom of speech and is open to hear the views of the LGBTQ community in Curacao and globally!]

In an interview with the Associated Press, House Speaker; Nancy Pelosi; Democratic Representative for California and Majority House leader, said: "I don't trust Barr, I trust Mueller." 
Another Democratic politician, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, appeared to be accusing AG Barr on Twitter of "peddling conspiracy theories."
The US political temperature seems to be heating up like the area around a black hole, burning brighter as it becomes more compressed. 
"Only time will tell who gets sucked in first or burnt-up last"; said one Minnesota tourist, named Annie; that is visiting Curacao on her second honeymoon vacation. 

"A Word To The Wise Is Sufficient"

©2019 JJosepha News. All rights reserved.

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